GetLogicalDriveStrings() and char - Where am I doing wrongly

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I want to search a file which may be present in any drives such as C:\, D:\ etc. Using GetLogicalDriveStrings I can able to get the list of drives but when I add anything extra for the output, I am getting a null in the output prompt. Here is my code:

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

// Buffer length
DWORD mydrives = 100;
// Buffer for drive string storage
char lpBuffer[100];
const char *extFile = "text.ext";

// You may want to try the wmain() version
int main(void)
    DWORD test;
    int i;
    test = GetLogicalDriveStrings(mydrives, (LPWSTR)lpBuffer);
    if(test != 0)
        printf("GetLogicalDriveStrings() return value: %d, Error (if any): %d \n", test, GetLastError());
        printf("The logical drives of this machine are:\n");
        // Check up to 100 drives...
        for(i = 0; i<100; i++)
        printf("%c%s", lpBuffer[i],extFile);
        printf("GetLogicalDriveStrings() is failed lor!!! Error code: %d\n", GetLastError());
    return 0;

I want above output as C:\text.ext D:\text.ext ... rather I am getting text.ext only. I am using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express


There are 4 answers

Jonathan Potter On BEST ANSWER

GetLogicalDriveStrings() returns a double-null terminated list of null-terminated strings. E.g., say you had drives A, B and C in your machine. The returned string would look like this:


You can use the following code to iterate through the strings in the returned buffer and print each one in turn:

char szLogicalDrives[MAX_PATH] = {0};
DWORD dwResult = GetLogicalDriveStrings(dwSize,szLogicalDrives);

if (dwResult > 0 && dwResult <= MAX_PATH)
    char* szSingleDrive = szLogicalDrives;
        printf("Drive: %s\n", szSingleDrive);

        // get the next drive
        szSingleDrive += strlen(szSingleDrive) + 1;

Note that the details of how the function works, including the example code that I shamelessly copied and pasted, can be found by reading the docs.

doctorlove On

Did you mean to put the printf in the loop?
Currently, you set extFile 100 times (just to be sure?!)

   for(i = 0; i<100; i++)
       extFile = "text.ext";

You meant to show all the drive letters in a loop:

   for(i = 0; i<100; i++)
        extFile = "text.ext";
        printf("%c%s", lpBuffer[i], extFile); //I guess you mean extFile here?
AudioBubble On
class DriveList {

    LPTSTR m_driveList;
    DWORD m_driveCount;
    DWORD m_bufSize = 32 * sizeof(TCHAR);


    virtual ~DriveList() {

    DriveList() {
        m_driveList = (LPTSTR)malloc(m_bufSize);

    int getDriveCount() const {
        return m_driveCount;

    TCHAR operator[] (const int index) const {
        return m_driveList[index];

    void loadDriveList() {
        DWORD mask;
        if((mask = GetLogicalDrives()) == 0) {

        m_driveCount = 0;
        for(int x = 0; x <= 25; x++ ) {
            if(mask & 1) {
                m_driveList[m_driveCount] = TCHAR(65 + x);
                m_driveCount += 1;
            mask >>= 1; 
Michael Haephrati On
WCHAR szLogicalDrives[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
DWORD dwResult = GetLogicalDriveStrings(dwSize, szLogicalDrives);

CStringArray m_Drives;

if (dwResult > 0 && dwResult <= MAX_PATH)
    WCHAR* szSingleDrive = szLogicalDrives;
    while (*szSingleDrive)
        UINT nDriveType = GetDriveType(szSingleDrive);
        m_Drives.Add(CString(szSingleDrive, 2));

        // get the next drive
        szSingleDrive += wcslen(szSingleDrive) + 1;
return m_Drives;