get Whatsapp Status Images and Videos in Android 11 by Using StorageManager

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by using this Stack OverFlow Answer (FOR SDK 30 AND ABOVE) I well able to retrieve the number of media files present in the .Status Folder on Android 11

But When I set the path to Imageview, image view Show Blanks

WAStatusModel fileItem = fileArrayList.get(i);
 File backupFile = new File( fileItem.getPath() );
        Uri imageUri = Uri.fromFile(backupFile);    

I Also Try with the provider But no effect i.e

 Uri photoURI = FileProvider.getUriForFile(context, context.getPackageName() + ".provider", backupFile);

My Output paths are:: imageUri is


fileItem.getUri() is


and fileItem.getPath() is


image is not Loaded in Adapter. How it is possible. Plz Help Me


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