We have a website which displays our YouTube video channels and favourite videos in our channel, etc. We were using Youtube Data API v2.0 to fetch data.
for example:
https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/" + userid + "/playlists?v=2&alt=json-in-script&orderby=" + orderFeedsBy + "&callback=?
But now these links return "NetworkError: 410 Gone". We checked the new YouTube Javascript API, but we didn't understand how to migrate to the new API. Please help us to fix this.
This URL will return JSON with video ids for a playlist: https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?part=id&playlistId={PLAYLIST_ID}&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
You will need an API Key from console.developers.google.com and the playlist ID.
You can get a list of playlist IDs for a channel with a URL like this:
Documentation at developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/