I made a list with listjs (listjs.com)
Now i'm using the function get(), this wil give me this return:
itemsInList = [
{ id: 1, name: "Jonny" }
, { id: 2, name "Gustaf" }
listObj.get("id", 2); -> return { id: 2, name: "Gustaf" }
Now i'm want to get the name id with pure javascript only.
function getUserName(uid) {
var itemValues = hackerList.get("id", uid)[0];
console.log("The name of the user is: " + itemValues.name);
// or use alert..
//alert("The name of the user is: " + itemValues.name);
Sorry not concrete... I want from the return value:
{ uid: 2, name: "Marc" ... }
to itemValues.name -> Marc
Forgot to use uid function ("id"). When I use values() it will work. Thank you for the answer.
Updated Fiddle Fiddle
Your id field is called uid, and to get to the values of the object, you need to call .values on the result, so: