Get translatable text from an external source into catalog

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Possibly i am overlooking an obvious solution or thinking the wrong way...

I have a limited amount of text, words in a database, that I want to display translated to users in a flask/jinja/babel webapp. eg. "running" is a possible value of an "activity" column and that should be "laufen" for my german users.

Words in templates and code are extracted and put into the catalog, but how do i get additional words into the catalog? Is there a simple text file extractor?

The only thing i could think of is, just create a .py file and put lots of _('...') lines in them, but that feels just wrong... is it?


There are 2 answers


I created a messages.txt with my "words" like gettext function calls:


and added it to my babel.cfg as python source:

[python: messages.txt]

plain, simple, stupid, but works.

plaes On

First, start with

Secondly, you need to store these 'limited' values as integers or enums in database and then create the lookup table for all these enums in code (so Babel knows about them):

i18n_val = {0: _('running'), ...}
# Or multi-level dict with different categories:
i18n_all = {
  'activity': {
     0: _('running'), ...
  'foo': {
     0: _('bar..'), ...

And accessing the translated string from template is now as simple as:

{{ i18n_val[obj.activity] }}
{{ i18n_all['activity'][obj.activity] }}

In order to make the i18n_val and i18n_all variables available for all the templates, just register them with context processors.