Get total count and filtered count from single subquery

659 views Asked by At

product table

product_id name
1 t-shirt
2 shirt

users table

user_id name
1 sphinx

favorite table with a UNIQUE constraint on (user_id, product_id):

user_id product_id
1 2

What is best way to query this table for user_id = 1

favorite_count: how many users added this product in favorite?
isfavorite: did user with user_id = 1 add this product as favorite?

Expected result:

product_id product_name isfavorite favorite_count
1 t-shirt false 0
2 shirt true 1

There are 1 answers

Erwin Brandstetter On

Typically, it's cheapest to aggregate rows in the n-table (favorite in this case) before the join:

     , COALESCE(f.is_favorite, false) AS is_favorite
     , COALESCE(f.favorite_count, 0)  AS favorite_count
FROM   product p
   SELECT product_id
        , count(*) AS favorite_count            -- total count
        , bool_or(true) FILTER (WHERE user_id = 1) AS is_favorite  -- for given user
   FROM   favorite
   GROUP  BY 1
   ) f USING (product_id);

We don't need the users table for the query.

LEFT JOIN keeps all products in the result, while only adding counts for products that have favorite entries.

About the FILTER clause:

Since not every product has entries in table favorite, use COALESCE() in the outer query to replace resulting NULL values with your defaults.