Get the value returned by canActivate Method in Angular2 Route in a component?

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I have created a Auth Manager in Angular2 to restrict Component access directly . I am still new to angular and learning the concepts.

I was able to restrict the user if the user name is not correct. But i am not able to use the value returned by the canActivate Method in my component to display a message in my front end.

My AuthManager class

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { CanActivate,Router,ActivatedRouteSnapshot,RouterStateSnapshot } from '@angular/router';


export class AuthManager implements CanActivate{

    user = "user";

    constructor(private router:Router){


        console.log("Comes Here");
            if(this.user == "user"){
                return true;
                console.log("YOur are not authorized");
                return false;

I am able to see YOur are not authorized in log but how to use the value in a component.

My app.router.ts

    path: 'persons/:id',
    component: PersonDetailComponent,

There are 3 answers

Rahul Singh On

What i understood by the Question is that you want to display Some kind of Error Message to the User if the Auth Fails. @PierreDuc is correct.But i have a different approach to this.

what you can do is create a service class


import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'


export class AuthenticateService

    isAuthenticated(//take the user credentials here):boolean{
        return true // if the credentials are correct 

     or retun false // if the credentials donot match.    


make use of this class in your component and AuthManager

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { CanActivate,Router,ActivatedRouteSnapshot,RouterStateSnapshot } from '@angular/router';
import {AuthenticateService} from './authenticate.service'


export class AuthManager implements CanActivate{

    user = "user";

    constructor(private router:Router,private authenticateService:AuthenticateService){


        console.log("Comes Here");
           return  this.authenticateService.isAuthenticated();

and in the component check the same

this.authenticateService.isAuthenticated()== false
*ngIf and then display an error message to the user.

Hope this is what you where looking at . it not exactly the answer of the question but a way to solve your problem.

Sudheer KB On

You can use service and set the value you want to display in component inside the AuthManager.

Poul Kruijt On

That's quite an uncommon thing to do, but I understand why you would want something like that. It is however not possible to capture the result returned from CanActivate.

However you could make an ErrorService and subscribe a component to an triggered event to show a toast message or something like that.

untested code ahead

export class AuthManager implements CanActivate{

    user = "user";

    constructor(private router:Router, private errorService: ErrorService){}

       if(this.user == "user"){
            return true;
       } else{
           this.errorService.toastError("You are not authorized");
           return false;

Your error service would in basic look something like this, you should add this service to your root providers:

export class ErrorService {

   public readonly error: Subject<string> = new Subject<string>(); 

   public toastError(error: string): void {;


After that place a component inside your AppComponent (or whatever you deem fit) and make it something like this:

   selector : 'error-toast',
   template : `<div [innerHtml]="error" *ngIf="error"></div>`
export class ErrorToastComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { 

   public error: string = "";  

   private timeout: number = 0;

   private errorSub: Subscription;

   private readonly timer: number = 5000;

   constructor(private errorService: ErrorService) {}

   ngOnInit(): void {
      this.errorSub = this.errorService.subscribe((error: string) => {

   ngOnDestroy(): void {

   private toastError(error): void {
      this.error = error;
      this.timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
         this.error = "";
      }, this.timer);

   private cancelTimer(): void {
      if(this.timeout !== 0) {
         this.timeout = 0;
