Get the number of pages in iron-pages

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I'd like to show the number of the currently selected page and number of all pages in iron-pages (e.g. "page 1 of 100").

Getting the former is easy as you can look for the selected-changed event. For the latter I have no idea how to get it. I was considering getting the number of child elements in iron-pages, but that doesn't seem to be reliable.


There are 1 answers


What you can do is make sure every page has a corresponding number as attribute. You can get the number of pages by evaluating child elements (ignoring the fallback page).

A working example:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <base href="//">
    <script src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
    <link rel="import" href="polymer/polymer.html">

    <link rel="import" href="iron-pages/iron-pages.html">

    <dom-module id="example-component">
                :host {
                    display: block

            <input value="{{pageName::input}}" placeholder="Type a page name here.">

            <iron-pages id="ironPages" selected="[[pageName]]" attr-for-selected="page-number" fallback-selection="fallback">
                <div page-number="1">One</div>
                <div page-number="2">Two</div>
                <div page-number="3">Three</div>
                <div page-number="fallback">
                    Change pages by typing '1', '2', or '3' in the input above.

            <div id="pageNumbering">Page [[currentPage]] of [[totalPages]]</div>


            class ExampleComponent extends Polymer.Element {
                static get is() {
                    return 'example-component';
                static get properties() {
                    return {
                        currentPage: {
                            type: Number,
                            value: 0,
                        totalPages: {
                            type: Number,
                            value: 0,

                connectedCallback() {
                    // fallback doesn't count
                    this.totalPages = this.$.ironPages.children.length - 1;
                    this.addEventListener('iron-select', this._onPageChanged);

                _onPageChanged() {
                    let currentPage = this.$.ironPages.selectedItem.getAttribute('page-number');

                    if (currentPage == "fallback") {
                        this.$.pageNumbering.hidden = true;

                    if (currentPage <= this.totalPages) {
                        currentPage = parseInt(currentPage);
                        this.set('currentPage', currentPage);
                        this.$.pageNumbering.hidden = false;


            customElements.define(, ExampleComponent);


