Get the Default GCP Project ID with a Cloud SDK CLI One-Liner

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I’m looking for a gcloud one-liner to get the default project ID ($GCP_PROJECT_ID).

The list command gives me:

gcloud config list core/project


project = $GCP_PROJECT_ID

Your active configuration is: [default]

While I only want the following output:

gcloud . . .



There are 6 answers


The easiest way to do this is to use the --format flag with gcloud:

gcloud config list --format 'value(core.project)' 2>/dev/null

The --format flag is available on all commands and gives you full control over what is printed, and how it is formatted.

You can see this help page for full info:

gcloud topic formats
mssch On

Not exactly the gcloud command you specified, but will return you the currently configured project:

gcloud info |tr -d '[]' | awk '/project:/ {print $2}'

Works for account, zone and region as well.

Oldrich Dlouhy On

With Google Cloud SDK 266.0.0 you can use following command:

gcloud config get-value project
Fady Ibrahim On

From Cloud Shell or any machine where Cloud SDK is installed, we can use:


And as shown in the below screenshot.

A command to get GCP project ID

I got a question about how to set the environment variable $DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID; here are the steps:

  • If the URL has the variable project and is set to some project id, then the environment variable $DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID usually will be set to the project id.
  • If the variable project is not set in the URL, we can choose the project from the Combobox (besides the title Google Cloud Platform) which will set the variable project in the URL. We may need to restart the Cloud Shell or refresh the entire web page to set the environment variable $DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID.
  • Otherwise, if the environment variable $DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID is not set, we can set it by the command shown below where we replace PROJECT_ID with the actual project id.
gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
  • All these are shown in the below figure.

How to set the environment variable $DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID

Robert Ranjan On

Direct and easy way to get the default $PROJECT_ID is answered above.

In case you would like to get $PROJECT_ID from the info command, here is a way to do it:

gcloud info --format=flattened | awk '/config.project/ {print $2}'


gcloud info --format=json | jq '.config.project' | tr -d '"'

Just run:

gcloud info --format={flattened|json}

to see the output, then use awk, jq or similar tools to grab what you need.

Nikhil Jindal On

Thanks to comment from Tim Swast above, I was able to use:

export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)

to get the project ID. Running the get-value command prints the following:

gcloud config get-value project


Your active configuration is: [default]


You can also run:

gcloud config get-value project 2> /dev/null

to just print $PROJECT_ID and suppress other warnings/errors.