I use following code in my project to Get Storage from an out look folder.
internal static string TryToGetFolderProperty(Outlook.Folder f, string propName, string defaultVal)
Outlook.StorageItem si = f.GetStorage("Flow", Outlook.OlStorageIdentifierType.olIdentifyBySubject);
Outlook.UserProperty up = si.UserProperties.Find(propName, true);
if (up == null)
return defaultVal;
return up.Value as string;
return defaultVal;
I want to do the same using a Redemption folder instead of the existing outlook folder, like follows
internal static string TryToGetFolderProperty(RDOFolder f, string propName, string defaultVal)
But after changing the code, I realized that there are no any method to Get Storage from Redemption folder. Ex:- f.GetStorage. Do we have a way in redemption to do this? Please advice me.
Hidden (associated) messages are not any different from regular messages on the MAPI level. Instead of exposing a Storage object, Redemption exposes hidden messages using the RDOFolder.HiddenItems property which returns the same RDOItems object returned by RDOFolder.Items.