Get rate and currency of a JIRA worklog via RESTful API

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I tried to get the rate of my JIRA worklogs with a python script. I have the Tempo Timesheet plugin with API for base, timesheets, accounts and teams. Everything is up to date. This is my prefered process:

  1. Get worklogs

  2. Get account key of worklog over the issue

  3. Get account data

  4. Get member role


(loop beans and search for member of the worklog)

  1. Now I have the account key and the member role id. Which API call helps me to get the related rate and currency?

In the docs is written, that the call


should response the ratetable id:

With this information, I could extract everything from


In my case, this doens't work. There is no ratetable entry in the account response. Could this be a permission issue? Does anyone of you know a smarter way to get the rate and currency of a worklog?


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