Get photo/thumbnail of a "link post" - Graph API Facebook

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I'm using Facebook Graph API to get posts on a public page. For every post, I get the following:

    "message": "XXXXX",
    "id": "104076318XXXX",
    "created_time": "2017-01-11TXXXX",
    "link": "http://bit.lXXXXX",
    "type": "link",
    "name": "XXXX",
    "permalink_url": "https://www.facebook.comXXX",
    "full_picture": "",
    "picture": ""

The picture and full_picture URLs return a 1x1 px image. Is it normal? If so, how could I get the thumbnail picture generated by Facebook?

PS: I am using version 2.8 of Graph API


There are 1 answers

Phuc Nguyen On

50x50 pixels

<img src="{{fid}}/picture">

200 pixels width

<img src="{{fid}}/picture?type=large">

Type picture

  1. Square: maximum width and height of 50 pixels.
  2. Small : maximum width of 50 pixels and a maximum height of 150 pixels.
  3. Normal: maximum width of 100 pixels and a maximum height of 300 pixels.
  4. Large: maximum width of 200 pixels and a maximum height of 600 pixels.

Or you can use html code

<img src="{{fid}}/picture?width=140&height=110">


You can see more on Facebook API - How do I get a Facebook user's profile image through the Facebook API (without requiring the user to "Allow" the application)