Get notification when user updated on Azure AD using MS Graph

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I am trying to get notification when user is updated on MS Azure AD using MS Graph and Web hook.I have tried microsoftgraph/msgraph-training-changenotifications but face following

Status Code: Unauthorized Microsoft.Graph.ServiceException: Code: ExtensionError Message: Operation: Create; Exception: [Status Code: Unauthorized; Reason: ]

I have also explore notifications for changes in user data this code but it is for "Mail.Read" permission and I want to "User.Read" permission .

My case/issue is like Not receiving a request on our MS Graph Webbook for deleting a User in AAD but something different. i need notification on update user on my core project.

Please help me. I am troubling since last 3 days but not getting proper solution


There are 1 answers

Suraj On

I was missing to give a permission in Azure AD


I have watched this video Change notifications with Microsoft Graph and use this code msgraph-training-changenotifications .Now i got notification from Azure AD enter image description here