i have a simple messageboard with comments. i want to show the amount of comments on the index page. the comments for each post are embedded in the thread document.
i thought it would be pretty easy, but it doesn't seem to work.
thread data is like
"authorName": String,
"postedAt": Date(),
"bumpedAt": Date(),
"comments": [{
"author": String,
"comment": String
(tried with and without square brackets... not really sure which one is correct)
i use jade and load the whole database for the index page
collection.find( { $query: {}, $orderby: { "bumpedAt": -1 } },{}, function(e,docs) {
res.render('index', { title: 'Index', posts: docs });
now i want to show how many comments there are for every thread.
each post, i in posts
span#commentCount (#{post.comments.length} || (0))
doesn't work..
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
can someone tell me why? thanks
question can be closed, i tried around and found the problem.
had to initiate each thread with
and then it worked. so easy yet so hard to find out...