Get JavaScript intellisense with closures in VS 2019

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I organize my JavaScript code into "modules" to get namespace-like access such as and to hide internals from the global namespace.

var foo = foo || {};

// Intellisense would work for these declarations:
foo.bla = 0;
foo.blub = true;

// Self-invoking function for the module "foo".
    function () {

        // This closure represents the module "foo".
        // Intellisense is not working for any of these (from the outside): = "bar";

        foo.baz = function () {
            const bazMessage = "baz";

        foo.bazz = function () {
            const bazzMessage = "bazz";

        // This function is "private" and not seen globally.
        function showMessage(message) {

My problem now is that Visual Studio does not provide intellisense for anything which is added to foo from within the module.

  • Does anyone know a possibility to get intellisense working for the described scenario?
  • Does anyone know an alternative way to accomplish namespace-like access and have intellisense?

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