I'm trying to get a Crossbar.io app running on Heroku. Crossbar.io requires you to put the app's host in a config file that's used to launch the app. I've tried the following:
- my-app-name.herokuapp.com: No dice. I imagine Heroku does some fancy redirection internally that prevents this from working.
- $HOSTNAME: running a script that outputs the HOSTNAME and using the result in the config file doesn't work either. The HOSTNAME is a GUID that contains no useful information.
- IP: I tried getting the external IP of the app, but no luck. The IP changes each time I start the app.
Is there an established way to do this on Heroku?
Also the config requires a port and Heroku seems to assign these dynamically. Any way to access the port as well (ideally before the app runs)
For the host use For the port number it's slightly more complicated...
When it creates a web dynamo Heroku sets a PORT environment variable with the dynamo's port. To set this in crossbar you need to create a script that reads that variable and writes it into your config wherever the port is requested. Then you make sure that the script returns 0 on exit and put the following in your Procfile:
web: ./your_config_helper_script && crossbar start
That runs your script first (which should get your config file ready) before running crossbar