- How can i get HANDLE to the memory region or mapped file ?
- What actually HANDLE is ?
Please do not answer like this :
A handle is an abstract reference to some resourc,e provided to you by another party (usually the OS), that you can hand back to reference that resource.
I'm interested in technical side
Handles in windows used to be pointer to a pointer to memory location of an object. In win 3.1 days some program cast some kind of handle to see what's behind. Today to my knowledge this is not possible anymore, they are simple unique identifier or token to communicate between you and the system.
Some more information http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Windows_Programming/Handles_and_Data_Types
some more from msdn read paragraph object in 16 bits windows http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms810501.aspx