As far as i know, I think to get an image.exr luminance we have to render the image in different exposure and gather them into one ?
Here is my image made in Adobe which have different luminance from 0(left) to 10 (right) in exr extension. exr_to_png_forViewingPurpose
so I tried ImageMagick with this command line from this link:
magick .\img.exr -evaluate multiply 2 img1EV.png
So I did the same for +-2EV, and +-3EV but the negatif EV give me an empty image.
I saw on this link that use different exposure as 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 etc... I did the same with a sofware to get the same value of exposure as him.
Next, I implemented a program in py to get the right luminance from a png (as suggested here).
In the end with the first test, I have the same result for each image that have different exposure. For the second test, I do have different image but I don't know what to do with them after that. I don't know if it's the right way to do it, hope someone knows.