Get elevation (altitude at ground level) using USGS Elevation Query Service API

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I have spent the better part of a week trying to research how to connect to the USGS Elevation Query Service API via my android app with embarrassing results. The best I have found is from 6-years ago here using now deprecated code. Spoiler - I couldn't get it to work.

Using GPS for elevation is simply too unreliable for my application needs, even after extensive moving averages and low/high pass filtration applied to the data.

Can anyone share their recommendations/code to retrieve elevation via the USGS Elevation Query Service. I can of course provide Latitude and Longitude?


There are 3 answers


a simple google search on "USGS Elevation Query Service API" pointed to (different address from the question you linked. And the API seems extremely straight forward.

Here is an example call to Las Vegas

The problem is that as per their website "If unable to find data at the requested point, this service returns -1000000" and I personally couldn't find any location that they have location (tried Las Vegas and San Francisco).

Alternatively, Google have an elevation API, that I can only assume it's pretty damn good considering Google Maps. Here you can see the docs and here is an example query,-104.9847034

For the actual call itself, suggest is to use OkHttp ( or Retrofit (which uses OkHttp) to do threading for you), but a basic code is:

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String getElevation(String url) throws IOException {
  Request request = new Request.Builder()

  Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
  return response.body().string();

then it's just parse the Json string

The_Martian On

You use the one you cited by simply replacing the deprecated httpClient by the Google's recommended HttpUrlConnection. There are a lot of tutorials out there including Google's own sample code explained here.

carl On

I just came across this page looking for something related and noticed that there is an error in the first response. It says this:

Here is an example call to Las Vegas

The problem is that as per their website "If unable to find data at the requested point, this service returns -1000000" and I personally couldn't find any location that they have location (tried Las Vegas and San Francisco).

The example has X and Y reversed. Switch it to

and it works fine. Hope this helps some future searcher!