I want to get something from SharedPreferences in a ViewModel class. The constructor has a SavedStateHandle parameter only and I don't know how to get the context. Here is my code:
public class PropertyDetailActivityViewModel extends ViewModel{
public enum Event{
Ok, Ko
public MutableLiveData<Event> event = new MutableLiveData<>();
public MutableLiveData<Property> property = new MutableLiveData<>();
private final Property propertyExtra;
public PropertyDetailActivityViewModel(SavedStateHandle savedStateHandle) {
propertyExtra = savedStateHandle.get(PropertyDetailActivity.PROPERTY_EXTRA);
public void deleteProperty()
if(AppPreferences.getAgentName(//How to get context here?) == propertyExtra.agent)
viewModel definition in the view class:
viewModel = new ViewModelProvider(this, new SavedStateViewModelFactory(getApplication(), this, getIntent().getExtras())).get(PropertyDetailActivityViewModel.class);