My setup is a 3-nodes cluster running in AWS. I already ingested my data (30 millon rows) and have no problems when running queries using jupyter notebook. But now I am trying to run a query using spark and java, as seen in the following snippet.
public class SparkSqlTest {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SparkSqlTest.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String, String> dsParams = new HashMap<>();
dsParams.put("instanceId", "gis");
dsParams.put("zookeepers", "server ip");
dsParams.put("user", "root");
dsParams.put("password", "secret");
dsParams.put("tableName", "posiciones");
try {
SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();
SparkContext sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate(conf);
SparkSession ss = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate();
Dataset<Row> df =
.option("geomesa.feature", "posicion")
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
Dataset<Row> rows = ss.sql("select count(*) from posiciones where id_equipo = 148 and fecha_hora >= '2015-04-01' and fecha_hora <= '2015-04-30'");
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();;"Tiempo de la consulta: " + ((t2 - t1) / 1000) + " segundos.");
} catch (Exception e) {
I upload the code in my master EC2 box (inside the jupyter notebook image), and run it using the following commands:
docker cp myjar-0.1.0.jar jupyter:myjar-0.1.0.jar
docker exec jupyter sh -c '$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --master yarn --class mypackage.SparkSqlTest file:///myjar-0.1.0.jar --jars $GEOMESA_SPARK_JARS'
But I got the following error:
17/09/15 19:45:01 INFO HSQLDB4AD417742A.ENGINE: dataFileCache open start
17/09/15 19:45:02 INFO execution.SparkSqlParser: Parsing command: posiciones
17/09/15 19:45:02 INFO execution.SparkSqlParser: Parsing command: select count(*) from posiciones where id_equipo = 148 and fecha_hora >= '2015-04-01' and fecha_hora <= '2015-04-30'
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find a SpatialRDDProvider
at org.locationtech.geomesa.spark.GeoMesaSpark$$anonfun$apply$2.apply(GeoMesaSpark.scala:33)
at org.locationtech.geomesa.spark.GeoMesaSpark$$anonfun$apply$2.apply(GeoMesaSpark.scala:33)
Any ideas why this happens?
I finally sorted out, my problem was that I did not include the following entries in my pom.xml