GEOID not found in TIGERLINE Shapefiles

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Trying to use the TIGER/Line shapefiles and convert some GEOIDs (census track number) of Georgia into LAT/LONG in R. After the first round of conversion, I still have about 50k unmatched GEOIDs.

Some of these leftovers include 133179801001 130319902004 130670311074 131131402052 130890234052 132231206005 ...

I did a couple of round of googling, it seems like they do exist, but why are they not in the TIGER/Line Shapefiles?


There are 1 answers

knesse On

It could be that the date of your TIGER-Line file is different from your other ( file. There are several reasons why GEOIDs change including: a name change (or name CORRECTION) or a significant boundary change or annexation. 50K sounds like the magnitude of change in census tracts between decades.