Genexus 9 Database Reverse Engineering Tool (DBRET 1.3) doesn't show table names

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I'm using Genexus 9 with Java web Upgrade 4. I'm trying to use the Database Reverse Engineering Tool (DBRET 1.3) reading a mySQL database with mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar driver but I can't see table names!

It shows me a list of tables but they appear without names. Can you help me?

Thanks in advance!


There are 1 answers

fpanizza On

This is a known error in DBret with mySql 5.x or up and JDBC, that was fixed in dbret 1.4.1 (Genexus Ev3 build 86.435) .

As a WA you can try using ADO.NET with MySQLDriverCS, in this case works ok.

Also you can use dbret of Genexus Ev3 or the 1.4.x standalone version. Here you can find more detail in the sac 254870 :,4,61,O,E,0,,25480 , you need to be logged in.