I am having some trouble finding the background of the following plot made using imatest. Basically what I want to know is that how, or from where, can I find the background of this plot. The imatest website mentions that the colors of the chart are generated at a constant Luminance L* = 90
and by varing a* and b* from -80 to +80
. I have been looking for Lab color generator but all software generate colored points. But I want to get a continuous image by varying the a and b values. Any idea?
Generating the background of imatest color error chart generated by using color checker?
207 views Asked by Muhammad Sarfraz Shafi At
There are 2 answers

Using matlab
you can simply transform your cielab space into RGB space:
range = -80:0.5:80; % a,b range, change the step to change the size of the output image.
L = 100*ones(size(range,2),size(range,2)); % L intensity
[b,a] = meshgrid(range); % generate a 2D grid
Lab = cat(3,L,a,b); % create the 3D Lab array
I = lab2rgb(rot90(Lab)); % Lab -> RGB
imshow(I) % Display the result
And we obtain:
Just for fun, if anyone wants a Python OpenCV version, I made one like this: