I am trying to generate a high-resolution Venn diagram. I have used package eulerr. When I run the following code:
VennDiag <- euler(c("Drug and alcohol services" = 312, "Mental health services" = 380,
"Drug and alcohol services&Mental health services" = 116))
plot(VennDiag, quantities = list(type = "counts", fontsize=13.5),
labels = list(cex=1.2, alpha=0.7, labels=c("Drug and alcohol\n services", "Mental health\n services")),
fills= list(fill=c("#004e72", "#27a2db"), alpha=0.7), main = "", edges=list(lex=1.5))
I get the following output:
Is there a possibility to modify this so the edges are less pixelated/fuzzy?
Thank you!