I have a Python script named blob_to_cpp.py
(located at scirpts/blob_to_cpp.py
relative to the WORKSPACE.bazel
file). The Python script takes an input file (e.g. weights/rt_alb.tza
) and generates from that a C++ header (.h
) and source file (.cpp
) that I want to add to a cc_binary
The source code of my minimal reproducible example can be found here.
The Python script can be called via:
bazel run //:blob_to_cpp -- -o weights/rt_alb.cpp -H weights/rt_alb.h weights/rt_alb.tza
I try to use a genrule
to invoke the python script (bazelized via py_binary
as //:blob_to_cpp
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Julian Amann <[email protected]>
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def generate_cpp_from_blob_cc_library(name, **kwargs):
name = "%s_weights_gen" % name,
srcs = ["weights/" + name],
outs = [
"weights/" + name[0:-4] + ".cpp",
"weights/" + name[0:-4] + ".h",
cmd = "./$(location //:blob_to_cpp) weights/%s -o weights/%s.cpp -H weights/%s.h" % (name, name[0:-4], name[0:-4]),
tools = ["//:blob_to_cpp"],
name = name,
srcs = ["weights/" + name[0:-4] + ".cpp"],
hdrs = ["weights/" + name[0:-4] + ".h"],
When the generate_cpp_from_blob_cc_library
Bazel macro is invoked I recive the following error messages (bazel build //:Demo
ERROR: /Users/vertexwahn/dev/Piper/BazelDemos/intermediate/Cpp/BlobToCpp/BUILD.bazel:14:34: declared output 'weights/rt_alb.cpp' was not created by genrule. This is probably because the genrule actually didn't create this output, or because the output was a directory and the genrule was run remotely (note that only the contents of declared file outputs are copied from genrules run remotely)
ERROR: /Users/vertexwahn/dev/Piper/BazelDemos/intermediate/Cpp/BlobToCpp/BUILD.bazel:14:34: declared output 'weights/rt_alb.h' was not created by genrule. This is probably because the genrule actually didn't create this output, or because the output was a directory and the genrule was run remotely (note that only the contents of declared file outputs are copied from genrules run remotely)
ERROR: /Users/vertexwahn/dev/Piper/BazelDemos/intermediate/Cpp/BlobToCpp/BUILD.bazel:14:34: Executing genrule //:rt_alb.tza_weights_gen failed: not all outputs were created or valid
Target //:Demo failed to build
My goal is to generate the files weights/rt_alb.cpp
and weights/rt_alb.h
. I need them in the weights
folder since my cc_binary
is expecting that the header file is within the weights
folder (#include "weights/rt_alb.h"
My BUILD.bazel
file looks like this:
load("//bazel:odin_generte_cpp_from_blob.bzl", "generate_cpp_from_blob_cc_library")
name = "blob_to_cpp",
srcs = ["scripts/blob_to_cpp.py"],
data = ["weights/rt_alb.tza"]
name = "rt_alb.tza"
name = "Demo",
srcs = ["main.cpp"],
deps = [":rt_alb.tza"],
Any hints to get this working are welcome!
The problem
declared output 'weights/rt_alb.cpp' was not created by genrule
usually means the command in the genrule is putting the files someplace other than where bazel expects them. You can use$(location target)
for inputs and outputs, as well as for tools: