Generating a report with .net core web api and displaying it to the user with Blazor webassembly

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I just started using Devexpress and I have a little problem.

I have two projects.

I have a .NetCore Web Api project. I have a Blazor webassembly client project. My codes in the .Net core Api project are as follows. Nuget: DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting


#region Devexpress Reporting
builder.Services.AddScoped<ReportStorageWebExtension, ReportStorage>();


    namespace InventoryManagement.API.Reports
        public static class ReportFactory
            public static Dictionary<string, Func<XtraReport>> Reports = new Dictionary<string, Func<XtraReport>>()
                ["TestReport"] = () => new Report2()


    namespace InventoryManagement.API.Reports
        public class ReportProvider : IReportProvider
            XtraReport IReportProvider.GetReport(string id, ReportProviderContext context)
                if (ReportFactory.Reports.ContainsKey(id))
                    return ReportFactory.Reports[id]();
                    throw new DevExpress.XtraReports.Web.ClientControls.FaultException
                        (string.Format("Could not find report '{0}'.", id));


    namespace InventoryManagement.API.Reports
        public class ReportStorage : DevExpress.XtraReports.Web.Extensions.ReportStorageWebExtension
            readonly string ReportDirectory;
            const string FileExtension = ".repx";

            public ReportStorage(IWebHostEnvironment env)
                ReportDirectory = Path.Combine(env.ContentRootPath, "Reports");
                if (!Directory.Exists(ReportDirectory))

            public override bool CanSetData(string url)
                return true;

            public override bool IsValidUrl(string url)
                return Path.GetFileName(url) == url;

            public override byte[] GetData(string url)
                    if (Directory.EnumerateFiles(ReportDirectory).Select(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension).Contains(url))
                        return File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(ReportDirectory, url + FileExtension));
                    if (ReportFactory.Reports.ContainsKey(url))
                        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                            return ms.ToArray();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new DevExpress.XtraReports.Web.ClientControls.FaultException("Could not get report data.", ex);
                throw new DevExpress.XtraReports.Web.ClientControls.FaultException(string.Format("Could not find report '{0}'.", url));

            public override Dictionary<string, string> GetUrls()
                return Directory.GetFiles(ReportDirectory, "*" + FileExtension)
                                        .Union(ReportFactory.Reports.Select(x => x.Key))
                                        .ToDictionary<string, string>(x => x);

            public override void SetData(XtraReport report, string url)
                var resolvedUrl = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(ReportDirectory, url + FileExtension));
                if (!resolvedUrl.StartsWith(ReportDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))
                    throw new DevExpress.XtraReports.Web.ClientControls.FaultException("Invalid report name.");

            public override string SetNewData(XtraReport report, string defaultUrl)
                // Stores the specified report using a new URL. 
                // The IsValidUrl and CanSetData methods are never called before this method. 
                // You can validate and correct the specified URL directly in the SetNewData method implementation 
                // and return the resulting URL used to save a report in your storage.
                SetData(report, defaultUrl);
                return defaultUrl;


    namespace InventoryManagement.API.Controllers
        public class CustomWebDocumentViewerController : WebDocumentViewerController
            public CustomWebDocumentViewerController(IWebDocumentViewerMvcControllerService controllerService) : base(controllerService)

        public class CustomReportDesignerController : ReportDesignerController
            public CustomReportDesignerController(IReportDesignerMvcControllerService controllerService) : base(controllerService)

            public object GetReportDesignerModel(
                [FromForm] string reportUrl,
                [FromForm] ReportDesignerSettingsBase options,
                [FromServices] IReportDesignerClientSideModelGenerator designerClientSideModelGenerator)
                Dictionary<string, object> dataSources = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                SqlDataSource ds = new SqlDataSource("NWindConnectionString");
                dataSources.Add("sqlDataSource1", ds);
                ReportDesignerModel model;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reportUrl))
                    model = designerClientSideModelGenerator.GetModel(new XtraReport(), dataSources, "/DXXRD", "/DXXRDV", "/DXXQB");
                    model = designerClientSideModelGenerator.GetModel(reportUrl, dataSources, "/DXXRD", "/DXXRDV", "/DXXQB");
                model.WizardSettings.EnableSqlDataSource = true;
                var modelJsonScript = designerClientSideModelGenerator.GetJsonModelScript(model);
                return Content(modelJsonScript, "application/json");
        public class CustomQueryBuilderController : QueryBuilderController
            public CustomQueryBuilderController(IQueryBuilderMvcControllerService controllerService) : base(controllerService)

For Blazor webassembly, I just installed the package "DevExpress.Blazor.Reporting.JSBasedControls.WebAssembly" and created a page called Report.razor as below. But I have no idea how to connect frontend application to server for report. I can't get the report generated by the web api somehow.

Can you help me how can I get it and show it on user side(frontend)?

I just added the following codes to the Blazor webassembly frontend side.


 @using DevExpress.Blazor.Reporting
 @using DevExpress.Blazor

    @page "/viewer"

    <DxWasmDocumentViewer ReportName="TestReport" Height="700px" Width="100%">
        <DxDocumentViewerExportSettings UseSameTab=false>
        <DxWasmDocumentViewerRequestOptions InvokeAction="DXXRDV">

There are 1 answers

e1ecringe On

From the component markup you shared, it seems that you need to specify the DxWasmDocumentViewerRequestOptions.Host property value to make it work.