Generated Source with Macros in a Scala 2.13 and Mill project not found in Intellij

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I use zio-macros in a Scala 2.13 / Mill Project.

Here the example:

trait AccountObserver {
  val accountObserver: AccountObserver.Service[Any]

object AccountObserver {
  trait Service[R] {
    def processEvent(event: String): ZIO[R, Nothing, Unit]

  // autogenerated `object Service { ... }`
  // autogenerated `object > extends Service[AccountObserver] { ... }`
  // autogenerated `implicit val mockable: Mockable[AccountObserver] = ...`

I can run the test and it finds the autogenerated code.

The problem is that in Intellij references to the autogenerated code do not compile.

Do I have to configure something or what is missing?


There are 2 answers

Dmytro Mitin On

The following project compiles

import mill._, scalalib._

object root extends ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "2.13.1"
  val zioMacrosV = "0.4.0"
  def ivyDeps = Agg(
  def scalacOptions = Seq(


import zio.ZIO
import zio.macros.access.accessible
import zio.macros.mock.mockable

trait AccountObserver {
  val accountObserver: AccountObserver.Service[Any]

object AccountObserver {
  trait Service[R] {
    def processEvent(event: String): ZIO[R, Nothing, Unit]

Command mill root.compile compiles the project

//  abstract trait AccountObserver extends scala.AnyRef {
//    val accountObserver: AccountObserver.Service[Any]
//  };
//  object AccountObserver extends scala.AnyRef {
//    def <init>() = {
//      super.<init>();
//      ()
//    };
//    abstract trait Service[R] extends scala.AnyRef {
//      def processEvent(event: String): ZIO[R, Nothing, Unit]
//    };
//    object Service extends scala.AnyRef {
//      def <init>() = {
//        super.<init>();
//        ()
//      };
//      case object processEvent extends _root_.zio.test.mock.Method[String, Unit] with scala.Product with scala.Serializable {
//        def <init>() = {
//          super.<init>();
//          ()
//        }
//      }
//    };
//    implicit val mockable: _root_.zio.test.mock.Mockable[AccountObserver] = ((mock: _root_.zio.test.mock.Mock) => {
//      final class $anon extends AccountObserver {
//        def <init>() = {
//          super.<init>();
//          ()
//        };
//        val accountObserver = {
//          final class $anon extends Service[Any] {
//            def <init>() = {
//              super.<init>();
//              ()
//            };
//            def processEvent(event: String): _root_.zio.IO[Nothing, Unit] = mock(Service.processEvent, event)
//          };
//          new $anon()
//        }
//      };
//      new $anon()
//    });
//    object $greater extends Service[AccountObserver] {
//      def <init>() = {
//        super.<init>();
//        ()
//      };
//      def processEvent(event: String): _root_.zio.IO[Nothing, Unit] = _root_.zio.ZIO.accessM(<empty> match {
//        case (env @ (_: AccountObserver)) => env.accountObserver.processEvent(event)
//      })
//    }
//  };
//  ()

Create IntelliJ files

mill mill.scalalib.GenIdea/idea

and then open the project in IntelliJ (do not import it).

Now Ctrl+Shift+F9 compiles the project (similarly to above).

You can use for example reference to object AccountObserver.Service (this compiles). Surely IntelliJ highlights Service in red but this doesn't matter.

Tobias Roeser On

Update: This answer does not address the issue.

This is a bug in the IntelliJ IDEA project generator of mill 0.5.2 and earlier. Mill versions since 0.5.2-9-ea4f04 will contain a fix for that particular issue. (For reference: #729, #728)

To work around: Add a .mill-version file in your project containing that version number (or any newer, of course) and rerun the IDEA project generator.

$ echo -n "0.5.2-9-ea4f04" > .mill-version
$ mill mill.scalalib.GenIdea/idea