I was trying to generate unique token for each user by hashing their email address, when they click on the "Remember Me" button, and i want to write the tokens to the database. For some reason this block of code caused error, but I'm not sure where the error(s) is/are.
if (isset($_POST['remember']){
$expDate1 = time() + (3600*24*30); // Sets the date to a month from now in milliseconds -> used for cookie
$expDate2 = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $expDate1); // Sets the date to a month from now in YYYY-MM-DD HH:ii:ss -> used for database
$token = password_hash($Email, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); // Generate a random token based on the user's email
$sql = "INSERT INTO RememberMe (userID, token, expDate) VALUES ('$userID', '$token', '$expDate2')";
$result = db_query($sql);
if ($result === false){
setcookie("monster", $token, $expDate1, "/");