Generate random numbers between 1-100 and stop when it hits 99 and count the amount of attepmts it took

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Im currently working on something that i really need help with. Im gonna make a while or do while loop that with the rand fuction generates random numbers between 1 and 100. When the random numbers hits 99 the loop should stop and the show the amount of attempts it took to hit the number 99 like this:

"It took 53 attempts to hit the number 99"

If someone could help me with a simple solution I would be so grateful!


There are 3 answers

Professor Abronsius On

A simple loop like this ought to do what you are after


while( $i!=$target ){
printf('it took %u attempts to reach %u',$count,$target);
Dipak On

In my code, I declare flag variable have value true. While loop will continue and add push value in $arrRandNum, until random value is 99.

Once 99 generates it sets flag value as false and loop will terminate.

    $flag = true;
    $arrRandNum = array();

        $randNum = rand(1,100);
        if(99 !== $randNum){
            $flag = false;
    print_r("total attempts: ".count($arrRandNum)."<br/>");
Nigel Alderton On

A for loop is fine for this;

for ($count = 1; rand(1, 100) != 99; $count++);
echo "It took {$count} attempts to hit the number 99";

Example output;

It took 47 attempts to hit the number 99