generate go files based on protobuf via import

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I have two git repositories:

common this repository contains protobuf files (.proto), these files should be fetched via git submodule init from other vendor repository. There are also go files with directive: //go:generate protoc --proto_path=a/xxx --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative a/xxx/b.proto

main this repository contains main project, which imports the package from common. Then I call git submodule update --init and the go generate. After generate i can see the log: go: finding latest

but the main go file shows some problems: build cannot load module found, but does not contains package

It seems that the go generate command doesn't generate proto files. I think if I import something then these files are somewhere in cache. I'm not sure if my approach is possible.

Could you tell me if this solution is feasible or what I should change.


There are 1 answers

user3930618 On

ok, my solution is project layout like this:

there I have more main.go files inside cmd folder. In this way I have only one module and inside the module I can have different applicaions. I think it's very cool solution.