I have a set of markdown files (experiments in a virtual lab notebook) that will be used to generate static webpages, and I'd also like to generate an index to go along with them that shows their relationships as a DAG (directed acyclic graph).
So far, each markdown file starts with metadata like this (for exp3.md
Follows: exp1.md exp2.md
I run a script to make a DOT language graph of all the experiments:
for r in *.md; do
for l in $(cat "$r" | grep Follows: | cut -d':' -f2); do
echo " $l -> $r;"
echo "digraph notebook {"
echo "$arrows" | sort | uniq
echo "}"
It comes out like
digraph notebook {
exp1.md -> exp3.md;
exp2.md -> exp3.md;
But I haven't been able to find any software for turning that into a clickable imagemap. Solutions can be as hacky as needed! I'll just be using this personally and hosting the site on an internal lab network.
Turns out it's not bad. Just add attributes to the DOT graph:
And create the imagemap code + image: