What i want do, is to generate a .log file that describes all my error, start time, end time, and so one. I found a way to have something like that but not in corect way.
I want to generate that file automaticaly, without being required to define it manually. From what i have understood, is that UTL_FILE.FOPEN, when is not found that file, create one.
My app. is working. The question is, HOW TO GENERATE A FILE IN PLSQL (.log file) without create it manually.
create or replace procedure read_files(input varchar2) as
F2 := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('FOLDER',input||'.log','w');
UTL_FILE.put_line(F2,'Start processing file at : ' || systimestamp);
UTL_FILE.put_line(F2,'End processing file at :'||systimestamp);
-- Close file
END; --end begin
I found the probleme ! Where I stored my files, I had no right to create files / folders. THANKS all !