Generalized method to get similar object attributes

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I have an object which has a few arrays as fields. It's class roughly looks like this:

public class Helper {
    InsuranceInvoices[] insuranceInvoices;
    InsuranceCollectiveInvoices[] insuranceCollectiveInvoices
    BankInvoices[] bankInvoices;
    BankCollectiveInvoices[] bankCollectiveInvoices;

All of the invoice types have a mutual marker interface Invoices.
I need to get all of the invoices to invoke another method on them.

Helper helperObject = new Helper();
// ...

for (InsuranceInvoices invoice : helperObject.getInsuranceInvoices()) {
    Integer customerId = invoice.getCustomerId();
    // ...
for (BankInvoices invoice : helperObject.getBankInvoices()) {
    Integer customerId = invoice.getCustomerId();
    // ... 

// repeat with all array fields

The problem is that all invoices only have the marker interface in common. The method getCustomerID() is not defined by a mutual interface or class. This is a behaviour I cannot change due to a given specification.

The code repetition inside the for-each-loop is something that bugs me. I have to do the exact same thing on all invoice objects in the four different arrays. Hence four for-each-loops that unecessary bloat the code.

Is there a way that I can write a general (private) method? One idea was:

private void generalMethod(Invoice[] invoiceArray){
    // ...

But this would require four instanceof checks because the class Invoice doesn't know the method getCusomterId(). Therefore I would gain nothing; the method would still contain repetitions.

I'm thankful for every possible solution to generalize this problem!


There are 3 answers

AdamSkywalker On BEST ANSWER

Possible solutions to generalize the problem (ordered from best to worst):

Using wrapper class

public class InvoiceWrapper {
    private String customerID;
    public String getCustomerID() {
        return customerID;
    public InvoiceWrapper(BankInvoices invoice) {
       this.customerID = invoice.getCustomerID();
    public InvoiceWrapper(InsuranceInvoices invoice) {
       this.customerID = invoice.getCustomerID();
    // other constructors

Upd If I understood correctly, you need to do something with IDs in all arrays. To use InvoiceWrapper, you also need to implement iterator in Helper class, that will walk through arrays and return a wrapper for each entry. So, you will have code that works with 4 arrays anyway.

Using instance of casts

public class CustomerIdHelper {
    public static String getID(Invoice invoice) {
        if (invoice instanceof InsuranceInvoices) {
            return ((InsuranceInvoices) invoices).getCustomerID();
        } else if ...

Calling methods by name via Reflection

public class CustomerIdHelper {
    public static String getID(Invoice invoice) {
        Method method = invoice.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getCustomerId");
        return (String) method.invoke(invoice);
jensgram On

It's not pretty, but you could use reflection to look up the getCustomerId Method and then invoke() it, cf. Class.getDeclaredMethod().

private void generalMethod(Invoice[] invoiceArray){
  try {
    for (Invoice invoice : invoiceArray) {
      Method getCustomerId = invoice.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getCustomerId");
  } catch (Exception e) {
    // ...

Do note that this is untested.

Thirler On

If you are not allowed to change the classes you are handling by adding a custom interface to them. The best thing you can do is wrap them with a custom class that does have the desired properties.

This way you will have one class with all 'not so nice' code that converts the classes you can not touch to nice classes that match a proper and useful design.

For instance you could have a class WrappedInsuranceInvoice that extends WrappedInsurace and contains a member field InsuranceInvoice. If you don't need to keep the original class you would be off even better by copying the data. This way you could for instance lose the arrays and use lists instead.