I have been following the instructions on the vis.js Github repository to do a custom build of the library. It suggests using Browserify… I have never used Node.js, npm or Browserify and I'm only just starting to get the concept of what they do.
I have been trying to compile the library using the following command
browserify custom.js -o vis-custom.js -s vis
But I keep getting errors like
Error: Cannot find module 'hammerjs' from '/path/to/folder/vis-master/lib/module'
It seems like the only way to get around this error is to install the module via npm. e.g.
npm install hammerjs
But as soon as I install a module this way another one generates an error.
My question is… am I meant to manually install each module until the errors go away or is npm/Browserify meant to install these automatically? If so why aren't they installing?
All dependencies of node.js projects are listed in the file
in the root of the project. To install all dependencies (with correct versioning) run:To update all dependencies, run: