I'm creating an application that contains "geckoWebBrowser" in c #. But I have to wait the complete loading a web page, and then continue to execute other instructions. there is something similar to WebBrowser.ReadyState? thank you very much
Gecko WebBrowser.ReadyState
5.3k views Asked by Ldg At
There are 2 answers

Hi GeckoWebBrowser has a DocumentCompleted event you could use it.
for example you have a button to show url
private void ShowBtnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
geckoWebBrowser1.Size = new Size(int.Parse(ViewportWidth.Text), int.Parse(ViewportHeight.Text));
geckoWebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += LoadingFinished;
private void LoadingFinished(object sender, EventArgs args)
GeckoElement body = geckoWebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("body")[0];
body.SetAttribute("style", "margin-top:-700px");
Try this :