GDAL cutline Syntax Error, clip Polygon from rasterfile with respect to shapefile

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I have Eastcoast.shp file and my raster input file="myrasterfinal77.tif" output file= "myrasterfinal77_out.tif"

So with respect to Eastcoast.shp shapefile i want to extract same polygon image from my myrasterfinal77.tif input file and generate a output file "myrasterfinal77_out.tif"

Error Message i am getting 
    gdalwarp -cutline "Eastcoast.shp" -crop_to_cutline -dstnodata "-9999.0" "myrasterfinal77.tif" "myrasterfinal77_out.tif"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

For that i am using gdalwarp but i am getting syntax Error.

gdalwarp -cutline "Eastcoast.shp" -crop_to_cutline -dstnodata "-9999.0" "myrasterfinal77.tif" "myrasterfinal77_out.tif"

Below is my myrasterfinal77.tif image enter image description here

Below is my shapefile plot image.
enter image description here

So i want same latitude longitude polygon raster tiff image to generate outside polygon nodata. I want only the polygon area.

Error Message i am getting is below :-


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