I am really new to Network programming and using GCDAsyncSocket for the first time. I am trying to implement an iOS app where 1 device acts a host and other devices(browsers) connect to it. I am using NSNetService/NSNetServiceBrowser for publishing/browsing part.
Now, my client/browser resolves the host's address properly and try to connect to it using following code:
func netServiceDidResolveAddress(sender: NSNetService) {
// Connect with Service
if (self.connectWithService(sender, hostname: sender.hostName!)) {
println("Connecting with service: domainName= \(sender.domain), type= \(sender.type), name= \(sender.name), onPort= \(sender.port) and hostname: \(sender.hostName!)");
} else {
println("Unable to connect with service: domainName= \(sender.domain), type= \(sender.type), name= \(sender.name), onPort= \(sender.port)");
private func connectWithService(service: NSNetService, hostname: String) ->Bool {
var isConnecting:Bool = false;
if (self.browserSocket == nil || !(self.browserSocket?.isConnected)!) {
// Initialize Socket
self.browserSocket = GCDAsyncSocket(delegate: self, delegateQueue: dispatch_get_main_queue());
// Connect
while (!isConnecting){
var error: NSError?;
println("Connecting port : \(service.port) and hostname: \(hostname)");
if (self.browserSocket.connectToHost(hostname, onPort: UInt16(service.port), error: &error)) {
isConnecting = true;
} else if (error != nil) {
println("Unable to connect to address. Error \(error) with user info \(error?.userInfo)");
} else {
println("Connecting is: \(self.browserSocket.isConnected)");
isConnecting = self.browserSocket.isConnected;
return isConnecting;
// GCDAsyncSocketDelegate methods
func socket(sock: GCDAsyncSocket!, didConnectToHost host: String!, port: UInt16) {
println("Socket: \(sock) Did connect to host: \(host) on port:\(port)");
// Start Reading
sock.readDataToLength(UInt(sizeof(UInt64)), withTimeout: -1.0, tag: 0);
func socketDidDisconnect(sock: GCDAsyncSocket!, withError err: NSError!) {
println("Socket \(sock) did disconnect with error \(err?)");
Following is the Publisher code:
override func viewDidLoad() {
let barButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Stop Publishing", style: .Done, target: self, action: "stopPublishing");
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = barButton;
// Publish the service
// MARK: Button callbacks
private func publishService() {
// Initialize GCDAsyncSocket
self.socket = GCDAsyncSocket(delegate: self, delegateQueue: dispatch_get_main_queue());
// Start listening for incoming connections
var error: NSError?;
if (self.socket.acceptOnPort(0, error: &error)) {
// Initialize Service
self.service = NSNetService(domain: "local.", type: "_mpstest._tcp", name: UIDevice.currentDevice().name, port:0);
// Configure Service
self.service.delegate = self;
self.service.includesPeerToPeer = true;
} else {
println("Unable to create socket. Error \(error?.description) with user info \(error?.userInfo)");
Now, the client connects with the host and hits following method:
func socket(sock: GCDAsyncSocket!, didConnectToHost host: String!, port: UInt16) {
But then it immediately disconnects hitting following method with ErrorCode =7 "Socket closed by remote peer"
func socketDidDisconnect(sock: GCDAsyncSocket!, withError err: NSError!) {
Following is the console log from Browser device:
Service found is : <NSNetService 0x15e2f710> local. _mpstest._tcp. iPad 30
Connecting port : 50797 and hostname: iPad-30.local.
Connecting with service: domainName= local., type= _mpstest._tcp., name= iPad 30, onPort= 50797 and hostname: iPad-30.local.
Socket <GCDAsyncSocket: 0x15d80020> did disconnect with error Optional(Error Domain=kCFStreamErrorDomainNetDB Code=8 "nodename nor servname provided, or not known" UserInfo=0x15e3c7a0 {NSLocalizedDescription=nodename nor servname provided, or not known})
Connecting port : 50797 and hostname: iPad-30.local.
Connecting with service: domainName= local., type= _mpstest._tcp., name= iPad 30, onPort= 50797 and hostname: iPad-30.local.
Socket: <GCDAsyncSocket: 0x15e59c20> Did connect to host: on port:50797
Socket <GCDAsyncSocket: 0x15e59c20> did disconnect with error Optional(Error Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=7 "Socket closed by remote peer" UserInfo=0x15e5b070 {NSLocalizedDescription=Socket closed by remote peer})
Host socket delegate methods are never hit.
I am really stuck here. Any help as to what am I doing wrong here would be great.
Thanks Vik
I had the same error as well! After much searching and pulling my hair out I stumbled upon a solution that has something to do with the weak declaration for GCDAsyncSocket, ARC in Swift understands the declaration "__weak" in GCDAsyncSocket.m as an excuse to deallocate the socket as quickly as possible.
Search for the keyword "__weak" in your project and remove all the references. found this solution at: Delegate not getting set