Thanks in advance.
I'm using GCC to compile my Code for STM32F7 ARM Cortex
Unfortunately my result always includes floating point emulation Routines
00200664 00000254 T __aeabi_dmul
00200664 00000254 T __muldf3
00200300 00000276 T __adddf3
00200300 00000276 T __aeabi_dadd
002002fc 0000027a T __aeabi_dsub
002002fc 0000027a T __subdf3
Using the Compileflags:
CFLAGS_ARCH += -mlittle-endian -mcpu=cortex-m7 -mthumb
CFLAGS_ARCH += -mfloat-abi=hard -mhard-float -mfpu=fpv5-sp-d16
How can I disable linking these Functions and see where and why they are used in my Code to use only hard single Float?
If I just do -nostdlib it removes the full stdlib. I just want to use the Hard FPU for performance instead of precise double precision.
Thanks !