Gaussian Process Regression

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I am coding a Gaussian Process regression algorithm. Here is the code:

% Data generating function

fh = @(x)(2*cos(2*pi*x/10).*x);

% range

x = -5:0.01:5;
N = length(x);

% Sampled data points from the generating function

M = 50;
selection = boolean(zeros(N,1));
j = randsample(N, M);

% mark them

selection(j) = 1;
Xa = x(j);

% compute the function and extract mean

f = fh(Xa) - mean(fh(Xa));
sigma2 = 1;

% computing the interpolation using all x's
% It is expected that for points used to build the GP cov. matrix, the
% uncertainty is reduced...

K = squareform(pdist(x'));
K = exp(-(0.5*K.^2)/sigma2);

% upper left corner of K

Kaa = K(selection,selection);

% lower right corner of K

Kbb = K(~selection,~selection);

% upper right corner of K

Kab = K(selection,~selection);

% mean of posterior

m = Kab'*inv(Kaa+0.001*eye(M))*f';

% cov. matrix of posterior

D = Kbb - Kab'*inv(Kaa + 0.001*eye(M))*Kab;

% sampling M functions from from GP

[A,B,C] = svd(Kaa);
F0 = A*sqrt(B)*randn(M,M);
% mean from GP using sampled points

F0m = mean(F0,2);
F0d = std(F0,0,2);

% put together data and estimation

F = zeros(N,1);
S = zeros(N,1);
F(selection) = f' + F0m;
S(selection) = F0d;

% sampling M function from posterior

[A,B,C] = svd(D);
a = A*sqrt(B)*randn(N-M,M);
% mean from posterior GPs

Fm = m + mean(a,2);
Fmd = std(a,0,2);
F(~selection) = Fm;
S(~selection) = Fmd;


% show what we got...

plot(x, F, ':r', x, F-2*S, ':b', x, F+2*S, ':b'), grid on;
hold on;
% show points we got

plot(Xa, f, 'Ok');
% show the whole curve

plot(x, fh(x)-mean(fh(x)), 'k');
grid on;

I expect to get some nice figure where the uncertainty of unknown data points would be big and around sampled data points small. I got an odd figure and even odder is that the uncertainty around sampled data points is bigger than on the rest. What am I doing wrong?


There are 1 answers

3lectrologos On

There are a few things wrong with your code. Here are the most important points:

  • The major mistake that makes everything go wrong is the indexing of f. You are defining Xa = x(j), but you should actually do Xa = x(selection), so that the indexing is consistent with the indexing you use on the kernel matrix K.

  • Subtracting the sample mean f = fh(Xa) - mean(fh(Xa)) does not serve any purpose, and makes the circles in your plot be off from the actual function. (If you choose to subtract something, it should be a fixed number or function, and not depend on the randomly sampled observations.)

  • You should compute the posterior mean and variance directly from m and D; no need to sample from the posterior and then obtain sample estimates for those.

Here is a modified version of the script with the above points fixed.

%% Init
% Data generating function
fh = @(x)(2*cos(2*pi*x/10).*x);
% range
x = -5:0.01:5;
N = length(x);
% Sampled data points from the generating function
M = 5;
selection = boolean(zeros(N,1));
j = randsample(N, M);
% mark them
selection(j) = 1;
Xa = x(selection);

%% GP computations
% compute the function and extract mean
f = fh(Xa);
sigma2 = 2;
sigma_noise = 0.01;
var_kernel = 10;
% computing the interpolation using all x's
% It is expected that for points used to build the GP cov. matrix, the
% uncertainty is reduced...
K = squareform(pdist(x'));
K = var_kernel*exp(-(0.5*K.^2)/sigma2);
% upper left corner of K
Kaa = K(selection,selection);
% lower right corner of K
Kbb = K(~selection,~selection);
% upper right corner of K
Kab = K(selection,~selection);
% mean of posterior
m = Kab'/(Kaa + sigma_noise*eye(M))*f';
% cov. matrix of posterior
D = Kbb - Kab'/(Kaa + sigma_noise*eye(M))*Kab;

%% Plot
grid on;
hold on;
% GP estimates
plot(x(~selection), m);
plot(x(~selection), m + 2*sqrt(diag(D)), 'g-');
plot(x(~selection), m - 2*sqrt(diag(D)), 'g-');
% Observations
plot(Xa, f, 'Ok');
% True function
plot(x, fh(x), 'k');

A resulting plot from this with 5 randomly chosen observations, where the true function is shown in black, the posterior mean in blue, and confidence intervals in green.

GP estimates