I'm trying to make a gaussian blur without using library. When I change the σ to 5, it results in error because the value is more than 255. I use this as reference. I know the equation is wrong, but I only see the values for reference. I use the equation from wiki.
when I use the same σ with the reference which is 5.5, I get the same result as the values on that link. But when I try to change it to 5, value got more than 255. maybe it's not just 5. I re-read my code over and over again. or maybe I messed up with the formula ? It should be below 255 right? s here's my code for the formula
Public Function standard_deviation(sigma As Double)
Dim standard_deviasi As Double = 1 / (2 * Math.PI * (sigma ^ 2))
Return standard_deviasi
End Function
Public Function hitung_exponen(x As Integer, y As Integer, sigma As Double)
'Dim exp_den As Double = 2 * (sigma ^ 2)
'Dim a45roote2 As Double = Math.Pow(Math.Exp(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2), 1 / exp_den)
'Dim exponen As Double = 1 / a45roote2
Dim exponen As Double = Math.Exp(-((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2) / 2 * sigma ^ 2))
Return exponen
End Function
and here is the main func
Dim standar_deviasi As Double = standard_deviation(sigma)
kernelGauss(0, 0) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(2, 2, sigma)
kernelGauss(0, 1) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(1, 2, sigma)
kernelGauss(0, 2) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(0, 2, sigma)
kernelGauss(0, 3) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(1, 2, sigma)
kernelGauss(0, 4) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(2, 2, sigma)
kernelGauss(1, 0) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(2, 1, sigma)
kernelGauss(1, 1) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(1, 1, sigma)
kernelGauss(1, 2) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(0, 1, sigma)
kernelGauss(1, 3) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(1, 1, sigma)
kernelGauss(1, 4) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(2, 1, sigma)
kernelGauss(2, 0) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(2, 0, sigma)
kernelGauss(2, 1) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(1, 0, sigma)
kernelGauss(2, 2) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(0, 0, sigma)
kernelGauss(2, 3) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(1, 0, sigma)
kernelGauss(2, 4) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(2, 0, sigma)
kernelGauss(3, 0) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(2, 1, sigma)
kernelGauss(3, 1) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(1, 1, sigma)
kernelGauss(3, 2) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(0, 1, sigma)
kernelGauss(3, 3) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(1, 1, sigma)
kernelGauss(3, 4) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(2, 1, sigma)
kernelGauss(4, 0) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(2, 2, sigma)
kernelGauss(4, 1) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(1, 2, sigma)
kernelGauss(4, 2) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(0, 2, sigma)
kernelGauss(4, 3) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(1, 2, sigma)
kernelGauss(4, 4) = standar_deviasi * hitung_exponen(2, 2, sigma)
'sums kernel
Dim sums_kernel As Double = 0
For rowkernel As Integer = 0 To kernelGauss.GetUpperBound(0)
For columnkernel As Integer = 0 To kernelGauss.GetUpperBound(1)
sums_kernel += kernelGauss(rowkernel , columnkernel )
For rowkernel As Integer = 0 To kernelGauss.GetUpperBound(0)
For columnkernel As Integer = 0 To kernelGauss.GetUpperBound(1)
kernelGauss(rowkernel , kolomkernel) = kernelGauss(rowkernel , columnkernel ) / sums_kernel
'start gauss
For x As Integer = 2 To w_gambar - 2
For y As Integer = 2 To h_gambar - 2
'1st row
'channel R
Dim barisPertamaKolom1_R As Double
barisPertamaKolom1_R = map_pikselR(x - 2, y + 2) * kernelGauss(0, 0)
Dim barisPertamaKolom2_R As Double
barisPertamaKolom2_R = map_pikselR(x - 1, y + 2) * kernelGauss(0, 1)
Dim barisPertamaKolom3_R As Double
barisPertamaKolom3_R = map_pikselR(x, y + 2) * kernelGauss(0, 2)
Dim barisPertamaKolom4_R As Double
barisPertamaKolom4_R = map_pikselR(x + 1, y + 2) * kernelGauss(0, 3)
Dim barisPertamaKolom5_R As Double
barisPertamaKolom5_R = map_pikselR(x + 2, y + 2) * kernelGauss(0, 4)
Dim barisPertama_R As Double
barisPertama_R = barisPertamaKolom1_R + barisPertamaKolom2_R + barisPertamaKolom3_R + barisPertamaKolom4_R + barisPertamaKolom5_R
'channel G
Dim barisPertamaKolom1_G As Double
barisPertamaKolom1_G = map_pikselR(x - 2, y + 2) * kernelGauss(0, 0)
Dim barisPertamaKolom2_G As Double
barisPertamaKolom2_G = map_pikselR(x - 1, y + 2) * kernelGauss(0, 1)
Dim barisPertamaKolom3_G As Double
barisPertamaKolom3_G = map_pikselR(x, y + 2) * kernelGauss(0, 2)
Dim barisPertamaKolom4_G As Double
barisPertamaKolom4_G = map_pikselR(x + 1, y + 2) * kernelGauss(0, 3)
Dim barisPertamaKolom5_G As Double
barisPertamaKolom5_G = map_pikselR(x + 2, y + 2) * kernelGauss(0, 4)
Dim barisPertama_G As Double
barisPertama_G = barisPertamaKolom1_G + barisPertamaKolom2_G + barisPertamaKolom3_G + barisPertamaKolom4_G + barisPertamaKolom5_G
'channel B
Dim barisPertamaKolom1_B As Double
barisPertamaKolom1_B = map_pikselR(x - 2, y + 2) * kernelGauss(0, 0)
Dim barisPertamaKolom2_B As Double
barisPertamaKolom2_B = map_pikselR(x - 1, y + 2) * kernelGauss(0, 1)
Dim barisPertamaKolom3_B As Double
barisPertamaKolom3_B = map_pikselR(x, y + 2) * kernelGauss(0, 2)
Dim barisPertamaKolom4_B As Double
barisPertamaKolom4_B = map_pikselR(x + 1, y + 2) * kernelGauss(0, 3)
Dim barisPertamaKolom5_B As Double
barisPertamaKolom5_B = map_pikselR(x + 2, y + 2) * kernelGauss(0, 4)
Dim barisPertama_B As Double
barisPertama_B = barisPertamaKolom1_B + barisPertamaKolom2_B + barisPertamaKolom3_B + barisPertamaKolom4_B + barisPertamaKolom5_B
'2nd row
'channel R
Dim barisKeduaKolom1_R As Double
barisKeduaKolom1_R = map_pikselR(x - 2, y + 1) * kernelGauss(1, 0)
Dim barisKeduaKolom2_R As Double
barisKeduaKolom2_R = map_pikselR(x - 1, y + 1) * kernelGauss(1, 1)
Dim barisKeduaKolom3_R As Double
barisKeduaKolom3_R = map_pikselR(x, y + 1) * kernelGauss(1, 2)
Dim barisKeduaKolom4_R As Double
barisKeduaKolom4_R = map_pikselR(x + 1, y + 1) * kernelGauss(1, 3)
Dim barisKeduaKolom5_R As Double
barisKeduaKolom5_R = map_pikselR(x + 2, y + 1) * kernelGauss(1, 4)
Dim barisKedua_R As Double
barisKedua_R = barisKeduaKolom1_R + barisKeduaKolom2_R + barisKeduaKolom3_R + barisKeduaKolom4_R + barisKeduaKolom5_R
'channel G
Dim barisKeduaKolom1_G As Double
barisKeduaKolom1_G = map_pikselR(x - 2, y + 1) * kernelGauss(1, 0)
Dim barisKeduaKolom2_G As Double
barisKeduaKolom2_G = map_pikselR(x - 1, y + 1) * kernelGauss(1, 1)
Dim barisKeduaKolom3_G As Double
barisKeduaKolom3_G = map_pikselR(x, y + 1) * kernelGauss(1, 2)
Dim barisKeduaKolom4_G As Double
barisKeduaKolom4_G = map_pikselR(x + 1, y + 1) * kernelGauss(1, 3)
Dim barisKeduaKolom5_G As Double
barisKeduaKolom5_G = map_pikselR(x + 2, y + 1) * kernelGauss(1, 4)
Dim barisKedua_G As Double
barisKedua_G = barisKeduaKolom1_G + barisKeduaKolom2_G + barisKeduaKolom3_G + barisKeduaKolom4_G + barisKeduaKolom5_G
'channel B
Dim barisKeduaKolom1_B As Double
barisKeduaKolom1_B = map_pikselR(x - 2, y + 1) * kernelGauss(1, 0)
Dim barisKeduaKolom2_B As Double
barisKeduaKolom2_B = map_pikselR(x - 1, y + 1) * kernelGauss(1, 1)
Dim barisKeduaKolom3_B As Double
barisKeduaKolom3_B = map_pikselR(x, y + 1) * kernelGauss(1, 2)
Dim barisKeduaKolom4_B As Double
barisKeduaKolom4_B = map_pikselR(x + 1, y + 1) * kernelGauss(1, 3)
Dim barisKeduaKolom5_B As Double
barisKeduaKolom5_B = map_pikselR(x + 2, y + 1) * kernelGauss(1, 4)
Dim barisKedua_B As Double
barisKedua_B = barisKeduaKolom1_B + barisKeduaKolom2_B + barisKeduaKolom3_B + barisKeduaKolom4_B + barisKeduaKolom5_B
'3rd row
'channel R
Dim barisKetigaKolom1_R As Double
barisKetigaKolom1_R = map_pikselR(x - 2, y) * kernelGauss(2, 0)
Dim barisKetigaKolom2_R As Double
barisKetigaKolom2_R = map_pikselR(x - 1, y) * kernelGauss(2, 1)
Dim barisKetigaKolom3_R As Double
barisKetigaKolom3_R = map_pikselR(x, y) * kernelGauss(2, 2)
Dim barisKetigaKolom4_R As Double
barisKetigaKolom4_R = map_pikselR(x + 1, y) * kernelGauss(2, 3)
Dim barisKetigaKolom5_R As Double
barisKetigaKolom5_R = map_pikselR(x + 2, y) * kernelGauss(2, 4)
Dim barisKetiga_R As Double
barisKetiga_R = barisKetigaKolom1_R + barisKetigaKolom2_R + barisKetigaKolom3_R + barisKetigaKolom4_R + barisKetigaKolom5_R
'channel G
Dim barisKetigaKolom1_G As Double
barisKetigaKolom1_G = map_pikselR(x - 2, y) * kernelGauss(2, 0)
Dim barisKetigaKolom2_G As Double
barisKetigaKolom2_G = map_pikselR(x - 1, y) * kernelGauss(2, 1)
Dim barisKetigaKolom3_G As Double
barisKetigaKolom3_G = map_pikselR(x, y) * kernelGauss(2, 2)
Dim barisKetigaKolom4_G As Double
barisKetigaKolom4_G = map_pikselR(x + 1, y) * kernelGauss(2, 3)
Dim barisKetigaKolom5_G As Double
barisKetigaKolom5_G = map_pikselR(x + 2, y) * kernelGauss(2, 4)
Dim barisKetiga_G As Double
barisKetiga_G = barisKetigaKolom1_G + barisKetigaKolom2_G + barisKetigaKolom3_G + barisKetigaKolom4_G + barisKetigaKolom5_G
'channel B
Dim barisKetigaKolom1_B As Double
barisKetigaKolom1_B = map_pikselR(x - 2, y) * kernelGauss(2, 0)
Dim barisKetigaKolom2_B As Double
barisKetigaKolom2_B = map_pikselR(x - 1, y) * kernelGauss(2, 1)
Dim barisKetigaKolom3_B As Double
barisKetigaKolom3_B = map_pikselR(x, y) * kernelGauss(2, 2)
Dim barisKetigaKolom4_B As Double
barisKetigaKolom4_B = map_pikselR(x + 1, y) * kernelGauss(2, 3)
Dim barisKetigaKolom5_B As Double
barisKetigaKolom5_B = map_pikselR(x + 2, y) * kernelGauss(2, 4)
Dim barisKetiga_B As Double
barisKetiga_B = barisKetigaKolom1_B + barisKetigaKolom2_B + barisKetigaKolom3_B + barisKetigaKolom4_B + barisKetigaKolom5_B
'4th row
'channel R
Dim barisKeempatKolom1_R As Double
barisKeempatKolom1_R = map_pikselR(x - 2, y + 1) * kernelGauss(3, 0)
Dim barisKeempatKolom2_R As Double
barisKeempatKolom2_R = map_pikselR(x - 1, y + 1) * kernelGauss(3, 1)
Dim barisKeempatKolom3_R As Double
barisKeempatKolom3_R = map_pikselR(x, y + 1) * kernelGauss(3, 2)
Dim barisKeempatKolom4_R As Double
barisKeempatKolom4_R = map_pikselR(x + 1, y + 1) * kernelGauss(3, 3)
Dim barisKeempatKolom5_R As Double
barisKeempatKolom5_R = map_pikselR(x + 2, y + 1) * kernelGauss(3, 4)
Dim barisKeempat_R As Double
barisKeempat_R = barisKeempatKolom1_R + barisKeempatKolom2_R + barisKeempatKolom3_R + barisKeempatKolom4_R + barisKeempatKolom5_R
'channel G
Dim barisKeempatKolom1_G As Double
barisKeempatKolom1_G = map_pikselR(x - 2, y + 1) * kernelGauss(3, 0)
Dim barisKeempatKolom2_G As Double
barisKeempatKolom2_G = map_pikselR(x - 1, y + 1) * kernelGauss(3, 1)
Dim barisKeempatKolom3_G As Double
barisKeempatKolom3_G = map_pikselR(x, y + 1) * kernelGauss(3, 2)
Dim barisKeempatKolom4_G As Double
barisKeempatKolom4_G = map_pikselR(x + 1, y + 1) * kernelGauss(3, 3)
Dim barisKeempatKolom5_G As Double
barisKeempatKolom5_G = map_pikselR(x + 2, y + 1) * kernelGauss(3, 4)
Dim barisKeempat_G As Double
barisKeempat_G = barisKeempatKolom1_G + barisKeempatKolom2_G + barisKeempatKolom3_G + barisKeempatKolom4_G + barisKeempatKolom5_G
'channel B
Dim barisKeempatKolom1_B As Double
barisKeempatKolom1_B = map_pikselR(x - 2, y + 1) * kernelGauss(3, 0)
Dim barisKeempatKolom2_B As Double
barisKeempatKolom2_B = map_pikselR(x - 1, y + 1) * kernelGauss(3, 1)
Dim barisKeempatKolom3_B As Double
barisKeempatKolom3_B = map_pikselR(x, y + 1) * kernelGauss(3, 2)
Dim barisKeempatKolom4_B As Double
barisKeempatKolom4_B = map_pikselR(x + 1, y + 1) * kernelGauss(3, 3)
Dim barisKeempatKolom5_B As Double
barisKeempatKolom5_B = map_pikselR(x + 2, y + 1) * kernelGauss(3, 4)
Dim barisKeempat_B As Double
barisKeempat_B = barisKeempatKolom1_B + barisKeempatKolom2_B + barisKeempatKolom3_B + barisKeempatKolom4_B + barisKeempatKolom5_B
'5th row
'channel R
Dim barisKelimaKolom1_R As Double
barisKelimaKolom1_R = map_pikselR(x - 2, y + 2) * kernelGauss(4, 0)
Dim barisKelimaKolom2_R As Double
barisKelimaKolom2_R = map_pikselR(x - 1, y + 2) * kernelGauss(4, 1)
Dim barisKelimaKolom3_R As Double
barisKelimaKolom3_R = map_pikselR(x, y + 2) * kernelGauss(4, 2)
Dim barisKelimaKolom4_R As Double
barisKelimaKolom4_R = map_pikselR(x + 1, y + 2) * kernelGauss(4, 3)
Dim barisKelimaKolom5_R As Double
barisKelimaKolom5_R = map_pikselR(x + 2, y + 2) * kernelGauss(4, 4)
Dim barisKelima_R As Double
barisKelima_R = barisKelimaKolom1_R + barisKelimaKolom2_R + barisKelimaKolom3_R + barisKelimaKolom4_R + barisKelimaKolom5_R
'channel G
Dim barisKelimaKolom1_G As Double
barisKelimaKolom1_G = map_pikselR(x - 2, y + 2) * kernelGauss(4, 0)
Dim barisKelimaKolom2_G As Double
barisKelimaKolom2_G = map_pikselR(x - 1, y + 2) * kernelGauss(4, 1)
Dim barisKelimaKolom3_G As Double
barisKelimaKolom3_G = map_pikselR(x, y + 2) * kernelGauss(4, 2)
Dim barisKelimaKolom4_G As Double
barisKelimaKolom4_G = map_pikselR(x + 1, y + 2) * kernelGauss(4, 3)
Dim barisKelimaKolom5_G As Double
barisKelimaKolom5_G = map_pikselR(x + 2, y + 2) * kernelGauss(4, 4)
Dim barisKelima_G As Double
barisKelima_G = barisKelimaKolom1_G + barisKelimaKolom2_G + barisKelimaKolom3_G + barisKelimaKolom4_G + barisKelimaKolom5_G
'channel B
Dim barisKelimaKolom1_B As Double
barisKelimaKolom1_B = map_pikselR(x - 2, y + 2) * kernelGauss(4, 0)
Dim barisKelimaKolom2_B As Double
barisKelimaKolom2_B = map_pikselR(x - 1, y + 2) * kernelGauss(4, 1)
Dim barisKelimaKolom3_B As Double
barisKelimaKolom3_B = map_pikselR(x, y + 2) * kernelGauss(4, 2)
Dim barisKelimaKolom4_B As Double
barisKelimaKolom4_B = map_pikselR(x + 1, y + 2) * kernelGauss(4, 3)
Dim barisKelimaKolom5_B As Double
barisKelimaKolom5_B = map_pikselR(x + 2, y + 2) * kernelGauss(4, 4)
Dim barisKelima_B As Double
barisKelima_B = barisKelimaKolom1_B + barisKelimaKolom2_B + barisKelimaKolom3_B + barisKelimaKolom4_B + barisKelimaKolom5_B
'sums channel R
Dim sums_R As Double = barisPertama_R + barisKedua_R + barisKetiga_R + barisKeempat_R + barisKelima_R
sums_R = Round(sums_R )
'sums channel G
Dim sums_G As Double = barisPertama_G + barisKedua_G + barisKetiga_G + barisKeempat_G + barisKelima_G
sums_G = Round(sums_G )
'sums channel B
Dim sums_B As Double = barisPertama_B + barisKedua_B + barisKetiga_B + barisKeempat_B + barisKelima_B
sums_B = Round(sums_B )
If sums_R > 255 Then
Console.WriteLine("koord " & x.ToString & "," & y.ToString & " R= " & sums_R.ToString)
ElseIf sums_G > 255 Then
Console.WriteLine("koord " & x.ToString & "," & y.ToString & " G= " & sums_G.ToString)
ElseIf sums_B > 255 Then
Console.WriteLine("koord " & x.ToString & "," & y.ToString & " B= " & sums_B.ToString)
End If
map_baruR(x, y) = sums_R
map_baruG(x, y) = sums_G
map_baruB(x, y) = sums_B
update : I just realize this, when I use a grayscale image, it works. but when I use a full color image on kernel 5x5 , it turns the image into a grayscale. I realize that only the red channel got more than 255.
Well you made gausian quite complex. in its most simple form you do 1/273 times a summed image kernel where each pixel is multiplied by these values :
If you want to you can use other numbers, but be sure that the 1/p is so that p is the total sum of multipliers.
PS i think its faster to just hardcode those multipliers instead of doing exponential math and PI