GAE - Domain Verification producing error

114 views Asked by At

I have been adding domains to apps without any issues for past couple months, following these instructions

Since past two days I have not been able to, when clicking Activate this service I get this error message "An error occurred while trying to install this application. Please try again later."

I have tried this also with older domains and with different apps and getting the same error, so the problem seems to be more widespread, not isolated to particular domains / apps.

Does anyone know how to solve?


There are 1 answers

Darshan Rivka Whittle On

This appears to be a problem on Google's end; it's not just you. I've filed a ticket with them for myself and am waiting to hear back. Your options are to:

  1. File a ticket with them yourself, or
  2. Do nothing, trusting that they'll fix it soon.

Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be anything we can do from our end to resolve the issue.