I got these errors trying to execute mingw32-make:
g++: error: unrecognized command-line option '--cflags' g++: error: unrecognized command-line option '--libs
The makefile is the following:
g++ fitscli.cpp vipsoperations.cpp fits.cpp ConsoleTable.cpp `pkg-config vips-cpp --cflags --libs` -lcfitsio -ltiff -o fitscli
After some research there was a suggestion to delete '--cflags' and '--libs` from the code, and I did it.
I know is that maybe the compiler g++ is not having able the options '--cflags' and '--libs` I also tried to change to gcc compiler, but doesn´t work.
I am working on windows 11, with Msys URCT64
When I deleted the lines suggested, is causing another compilation error, so I want to know how to fix the flags issue without deleted them from the code.
The backticks
` `
don't seem to work properly inmingw32-make
(because it uses CMD as the shell, which doesn't support them).Use
instead (install withpacman -S make
), which uses Bash.