I have a application about diagnosis and should determine the functional and nonfunctional requirement So can anyone help me with this question please: Is language considered as a functional requirement?
Functional requirement
1.7k views Asked by Thekra At
There are 2 answers

Functional requirements define what the software will do.
Non-functional requirements are any requirements that don't describe the system's input/output behaviour.
Having "language" as a requirement: When you refer to the language of the input/output, it is a functional requirement. In the case you mean the programming language, it is a non-functional requirement.
Hope this helps maybe somebody else.
A functional requirement defines what the software is supposed to do. A non-functional requirement defines further expectations independent from the actual features.
Ex: functional requirement = "software should square the input value"
non-functional requirement = "software should use at max 1MB memory"
Note: This does not have anything to do with "Functional Programming"