I have created two postgres databases. Version 9.5.4. The first database called persist. I am working with some example code from postgrest for authentication. The code works great, here is my persist database definition:
create schema localschema;
grant all on schema localschema to postgres;
create table localschema.users (
email text primary key check ( email ~* '^.+@.+\..+$' ),
pass text not null check (length(pass) < 512),
role name not null check (length(role) < 512),
verified boolean not null default false
-- If you like add more columns, or a json column
create or replace function
localschema.encrypt_pass() returns trigger
language plpgsql
as $$
mvar text;
if tg_op = 'INSERT' or new.pass <> old.pass then
new.pass = crypt(new.pass, gen_salt('bf'::text));
end if;
return new;
drop trigger if exists encrypt_pass on localschema.users;
create trigger encrypt_pass
before insert or update on localschema.users
for each row
execute procedure localschema.encrypt_pass();
Fairly simple, here I call an insert to the table followed by a select, you can see the pass use crypted via the trigger/function encrypt_pass:
persist=# insert into localschema.users values('[email protected]','123123','postgres');
persist=# select * from localschema.users;
email | pass | role | verified
[email protected] | $2a$06$5p5eM6sJAfxZ4qSv0Jgx..GlflYkNeE7aY.D4kR9K0glRZv2wU7ue | postgres | f
(1 row)
Works great. Next step is postgres_fdw, I import the foreign schema to the remote database to my other database:
create server self foreign data wrapper postgres_fdw options(host '', dbname 'persist', port '5432');
create user mapping for postgres server self options (user 'postgres');
create schema "localschema";
grant all on schema localschema to postgres;
import foreign schema localschema from server self into "localschema" options ( import_default 'true');
Then a select to prove it is working:
cache=# select * from localschema.users;
email | pass | role | verified
[email protected] | $2a$06$5p5eM6sJAfxZ4qSv0Jgx..GlflYkNeE7aY.D4kR9K0glRZv2wU7ue | postgres | f
(1 row)
The problem is that I can't insert into this table. Here is the error in action:
cache=# insert into localschema.users values ('[email protected]','234234','postgres');
ERROR: function gen_salt(text) does not exist
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
CONTEXT: Remote SQL command: INSERT INTO localschema.users(email, pass, role, verified) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)
PL/pgSQL function localschema.encrypt_pass() line 6 at assignment
It is weird, any function can't be found, it isn't just gen_salt. I have put some raise exception statements on the persist side to verify that my current_user is indeed postgres. So, why would all of my functions disappear when I execute via postgres_fdw?
What am I missing? I am pretty sure I have had this working, but in all my setup/tear down I somehow lost the proper incantation.
This answer was originally posted inside the question itself by the OP:
I finally figured out the issue right after I posted this. Dang. Right from the postgres_fdw manual postgres-fdw:
I changed the function so that it uses the full path to what it calls: