I'm using lazy loading structure for my angular project. I have using property binding using a function call in my template. The issue is, whenever I click anywhere on page, this function is called. Below I have shared my code.
app-component.html code
<div [style]="hello()">Hello world</div>
app-component.ts code
hello() {
return `color:red`;
Each and every time with click event, hello() is called.
Note: When I remove/comment <router-outlet></router-outlet>
, it functions normal.
What could be the root cause of this problem. Thanks in Advance.
The function is fired on redraw and not the router-outlet. You should avoid using functions in your template. If should be a pure pipe for those cases or bind to variables in your typescript code.
Here i have example where you would get the same issue. It will also fire just by pressing the click button even though nothing happends. It triggers the redraw.
if you need to change the color via some functionality you can have it bound to a variable
and in your code .ts file have