I need some help understanding why the following code will not compile. I am attempting to place a GSourceView2 inside a vertical box in lablgtk. I've adapted the code from this Ocaml article
open GMain
open GdkKeysyms
let locale = GtkMain.Main.init ()
let main () =
let window = GWindow.window ~width:320 ~height:240
~title:"Simple lablgtk program" () in
let vbox = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in
window#connect#destroy ~callback:Main.quit;
(* Sourceview *)
let _ = new GSourceView2.source_view ~height:240 ~width:320 ~packing:vbox#add () in
window#show ();
Main.main ()
let () = main ()
The error I get is a bit cryptic:
Error: This function has type
GtkSourceView2_types.source_view Gtk.obj -> GSourceView2.source_view
It is applied to too many arguments; maybe you forgot a `;'.
However, I can instead create a GButton and set its pack argument to place it inside the vbox. The signatures for both GButton.button and GSourceView2.source_view appear to be very similar (lots of optional args followed by a unit), so I'm not quite sure what I'm missing. Any help on what I'm missing would be very helpful, as I'm still fairly new to this language.
Since you are new to this language, I will also give you the overview of how I solved this problem so that you get a feel for the environment...unfortunately this can painful at times.
So the error you got implied the lack of a
(I'm not sure if you used ocamlopt or ocamlc)Let's start by going to the source...which is available to us in either
or just byopam source lablgtk
. We go in and see a META file, this is forocamlfind
cat META
we see this relevant part all the way on the bottom.okay, so that means that we should expect a lablgtksourceview2.cma or .cmxa to exist. We can do
and then we can do either
locate lablgtksource2.cma
orfind . -name lablgtksourceview2.cma
. On my platform, OS X, neither existed. After some sleuthing on the lablgtk site and general googling, this was because the relevant gtk code itself was not on my machine.for OCaml people on OS X you need to
The last step might crap out. Its most likely a pkg-config path issue, Here's mine for
PKG_CONFIG_PATH = /opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig/:/usr/local/Cellar/libxml2/2.9.2/lib/pkgconfig/
for OCaml people on I guess Debian based machines, this should include Ubuntu, although I'm not sure if this is the correct package name for this.
You can do the checking for the
dance again after this and check withYay, the relevant
exists. We can also double check with:and there's the relevant package, sourceview2.
Now here's your code completely self contained:
and I can run it successfully with
utop <the_file.ml>
If you prefer to use ocamlc or ocamlopt then remove the line that starts with #require since that's just for utop, then do:
which worked for me on OS X.