I'm playing with FSharp.Charting and observables. Given the code below chart.ShowChart()
throws InvalidOperationException "Enumeration already finished"
If I remove this line the data is printed correctly on the console.
let oauthCfg = oauth.parse @"..\..\oauth.config"
let stream = TweetStream (oauthCfg,
stream.TweetReceived |> Observable.add (tweetWriter "tweet.out")
let tweetData : IObservable<list<string*int>> =
|> Observable.scan collectTweets Vector.empty
|> Observable.map (Seq.map (fun t -> t.Text))
|> Observable.map countWords
Observable.add (printfn "%A") tweetData
let chart = LiveChart.Column(tweetData)
chart.ShowChart() // <------ InvalidOperationException "Enumeration already finished" thrown
printfn "Press any key to exit."
System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore