I'm trying to get some technical ind. with some of those commands in this link:https://github.com/enigmampc/catalyst/blob/master/catalyst/pipeline/factors/equity/technical.py, but in the quant.notebook I'm not able to get "from numexpr import evaluate", so evaluate is not defined. How can I solve this?
from numexpr import evaluate
class FastochasticOscillator(CustomFactor):
def compute(self, today, assets, out, closes, highs, lows):
highest_high= nanmax(highs, axis=0)
lowest_low= nanmin(lows, axis=0)
latest_close= closes[-1]
'((tc - ll) / (hh - ll)) * 100',
K= FastochasticOscillator(window_length=14)
return Pipeline(columns={
I'm working on the Quantopian notebook and when I attempt to import it gives me this: InputRejected: Importing evaluate from numexpr raised an ImportError. Did you mean to import errstate from numpy?
Actually I do not find a way to import numexpr on Quantopian but on Jupyter it do not give problems. Therefore the problem is related to the online IDE. Moreover, I simply re-write the FastOsc ind. in another way to use it inside the pipeline in the quantopian online IDE.