free() and mxFree() in MATLAB - freeing memory twice

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Good day, I have the following code which has given me problems for a day already. I have debugged it, and it works fine until trying to free the memory. The free() function should be called at the end of the execution automatically, so I commented the mxFree() code out, in hope of getting a result. Even if I do that, the program frees the memory twice, like in the case of manually freeing memory - and thus I conclude that it is beyond my control.

*** glibc detected *** /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012a/bin/glnx86/MATLAB: free(): invalid pointer: 0xad2427a1 ***

Is there something I missed?

Note: I have tried some examples of .mex files with memory allocation and they work fine - so the mistake is down below, in my code.

Beamforming algorithm
Arguments: xr, yr, zr,
           t, ts, W, U,
       Sdata, NrSensor c, omega_o
Output: S1_sum

S1_sum = beamforming(xr,yr,zr,t,ts,W,U,Sdata,NrSensor,c,omega_o)

#include "mex.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#define INPUT_ARGS 11
#define OUTPUT_ARGS 1

#define Ar(a, b) Ar[b+a*NrSensor]
#define Ai(a, b) Ai[b+a*NrSensor]
#define V(a, b) V[b+a*len_zr]
#define tau(a, b) tau[b+a*NrSensor]
#define tau_s(a, b) tau_s[b+a*len_zr]
#define tau_r(a, b) tau_r[b+a*NrSensor]
#define w(a, b) w[b+a*len_zr]
#define W(a, b) W[b+a*NrSensor]

#define arg(a, b) arg[b+a*len_zr]
#define newrange(a, b) newrange[b+a*len_zr]
#define oldrange(a, b) oldrange[b+a*len_zr]
#define S1_sum_r(a, b, c) S1_sum_r[c+b*len_xr+a*len_yr*len_xr]
#define S1_sum_i(a, b, c) S1_sum_i[c+b*len_xr+a*len_yr*len_xr]
#define Sdata_r(a, b) Sdata_r[b+a*NrSensor]
#define Sdata_i(a, b) Sdata_i[b+a*NrSensor]
#define S1interpr(a, b) S1interpr[b+a*len_zr]
#define S1interpi(a, b) S1interpi[b+a*len_zr]

#define PI_ 3.141592653

double sinc(double x){
  return sin(PI_*x)/(PI_*x);

void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[])
  int xr_, yr_, i, j, m;
  int len_xr, len_yr, len_zr, len_t,
    len_t_, NrSensor, NrSensor_Cen;
  double _t, _i, arg_min, arg_max, norm_factor;
  double start_tau, end_tau, c, omega_o;
  double *xr, *yr, *zr, *t, *ts,
    *Sdata_r, *Sdata_i, *W;
  double *Ar, *Ai, *V, *tau, *tau_r, *tau_s,
    *arg, *U, *w, *t_, *x_r, *x_i, *start_index,
    *newrange, *oldrange, *S1_sum_r, *S1_sum_i,
    *S1interpi, *S1interpr;

    Checking number of arguments

  if(nrhs != INPUT_ARGS)
    mxErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of arguments!\n");
  if(nlhs != OUTPUT_ARGS)
    mxErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of outputs!\n");

    Reading arguments

  xr = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
  yr = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
  zr = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);
  t  = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
  ts = mxGetPr(prhs[4]);
  W  = mxGetPr(prhs[5]);
  U  = mxGetPr(prhs[6]);
  Sdata_r = mxGetPr(prhs[7]);
  Sdata_i = mxGetPi(prhs[7]);
  NrSensor = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[8]);
  c = mxGetScalar(prhs[9]);
  omega_o = mxGetScalar(prhs[10]);

  len_xr = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
  len_yr = mxGetN(prhs[1]);
  len_zr = mxGetN(prhs[2]);
  len_t  = mxGetM(prhs[3]);

  _t     = 0.0;
  len_t_ = 0;
  NrSensor_Cen = NrSensor/2;
Space allocation and checking

  arg   = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_zr*len_t);
  Ar    = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_zr*NrSensor);
  Ai    = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_zr*NrSensor);
  V     = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_zr*3);
  tau   = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_zr*NrSensor);
  tau_s = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_zr*3);
  tau_r = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_zr*NrSensor);
  U     = malloc(sizeof(double)*3);
  w     = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_zr*3);
  W     = malloc(sizeof(double)*NrSensor*3);
  ts    = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_zr);
  t     = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_t);
  t_    = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_t);
  x_r   = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_t);
  x_i   = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_t);

  arg      = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_zr*len_t);
  newrange = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_zr*len_t);
  oldrange = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_zr*len_t);

  S1interpr = malloc(sizeof(double)*NrSensor*len_zr);
  S1interpi = malloc(sizeof(double)*NrSensor*len_zr);
  start_index = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_t);
    S1_sum_r = mxMalloc(len_xr*len_yr*len_zr);
    S1_sum_i = mxMalloc(len_xr*len_yr*len_zr);

  int dim_S1_sum[3] = {len_xr, len_yr, len_zr};
  plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_S1_sum, 
  S1_sum_r = (double*) mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
  S1_sum_i = (double*) mxGetPi(plhs[0]);

  if(arg   == NULL ||
     Ar    == NULL ||
     Ai    == NULL ||
     V     == NULL ||
     tau   == NULL ||
     tau_s == NULL ||
     tau_r == NULL ||
     U     == NULL ||
     W     == NULL ||
     w     == NULL ||
     ts    == NULL ||
     t     == NULL ||
     t_    == NULL ||
     x_r   == NULL ||
     x_i   == NULL ||
     start_index == NULL ||
     newrange == NULL ||
     oldrange == NULL ||
     S1_sum_r == NULL ||
     S1_sum_i == NULL ||
     S1interpr == NULL||
     S1interpi == NULL){
    mxErrMsgTxt("Malloc error!\n");

    --- INITIALISING S1interp, S1_sum, tau, full of zeros

  for(i=0; i<NrSensor; i++){
    for(j=0; j<len_zr; j++){
      S1interpr(i,j) = 0;
      S1interpi(i,j) = 0;

  for(i=0; i<len_xr; i++){
    for(j=0; j<len_yr; j++){
      for(m=0; m<len_zr; m++){
    S1_sum_r(i,j,m) = 0;
    S1_sum_i(i,j,m) = 0;

  for(i=0; i<NrSensor; i++){
    for(j=0; j<len_zr; j++){
    tau(i,j) = 0;

    --- MAIN ALGORITHM ---
  for(xr_=0; xr_ < len_xr; xr_++){
    for(yr_=0; yr_ < len_yr; yr_++){

      for(i=0; i < len_zr; i++){
        V(0, i) = xr[xr_];
    V(1, i) = yr[yr_];
    V(2, i) = zr[i];

      for(i=0; i < len_zr; i++){
    tau_s(0, i) = V(0, i) - U[0];
    tau_s(1, i) = V(1, i) - U[1];
    tau_s(2, i) = V(2, i) - U[2];

      for(m=0; m < NrSensor; m++){
    for(i=0; i < len_zr; i++){
        I see no point of the squeeze function
        since W is already of known sizes
      w(0, i) = V(0, i) - W(0, m);
      w(1, i) = V(1, i) - W(1, m);
      w(2, i) = V(2, i) - W(2, m);

    for(i=0; i< len_zr; i++){
      _t = w(0, i)*w(0,i) +
        w(1, i)*w(1,i) +
        w(2, i)*w(2,i);

      tau_r(m, i) = sqrt(_t)/c;

      for(m=0; m < len_zr; m++){
    for(i=0; i < NrSensor; i++){
        Computing sum(tau_s(m, :).*tau_s(m, :))
      _t = tau_s(0, m)*tau_s(0, m) +
        tau_s(1, m)*tau_s(1, m) +
        tau_s(2, m)*tau_s(2, m);

      tau(i, m) = tau_r(i, m) + sqrt(_t)/c;

    for(i=0; i < len_zr; i++){
    for(j=0; j < NrSensor; j++){

      for(i=0; i < len_zr; i++){
    for(j=0; j < NrSensor; j++){
      Ar(i,j)=cos(omega_o * tau(i, j));
      Ai(i,j)=sin(omega_o * tau(i, j));

    --- BIG LOOP AHEAD ---
      for(m=0; m < NrSensor; m++){
    start_tau = tau(NrSensor_Cen, 1);
    end_tau = tau(NrSensor_Cen, len_zr);

      Finding index : writing start indexes
      and also t_ array

    for(i=0; i<len_t; i++){
      if(t[i] >= start_tau &&
         t[i] <= end_tau){
        start_index[len_t_] = i;
        t_[len_t_] = t[i];
        x_r[len_t_] = Sdata_r(i, m);
        x_i[len_t_] = Sdata_i(i, m);

    for(i=0; i < len_zr; i++){
      ts[i]=tau(m, i);

    for(i=0; i < len_t_; i++){
      for(j=0; j < len_zr; j++){
        newrange(i, j) = ts[j];

    for(i=0; i < len_zr; i++){
      for(j=0; j < len_t_; j++){
        oldrange(j, i) = t_[j];

    for(i=0; i < len_t_; i++){
      for(j=0; j < len_zr; j++){
        arg(i, j) = newrange(i, j)-oldrange(i, j);

    arg_min = arg[0];
    for(i=0; i < len_t_; i++)
      for(j=0; j < len_zr; j++)
        if(arg_min>arg(i, j))
          arg_min=arg(i, j);

    arg_max = arg[0];
    for(i=0; i < len_t_; i++)
      for(j=0; j < len_zr; j++)
        if(arg_max<arg(i, j))
          arg_max=arg(i, j);

    norm_factor = (2*len_t_)/(arg_max-arg_min);

    for(i=0; i < len_zr; i++){
      _t = 0; 
      for(j=0; j < NrSensor; j++){
        _t = sinc(arg(i, j)*norm_factor)*x_r[j];

      S1interpr(m, i) = Ar(m, i) * _t;

      _t = 0; 
      for(j=0; j < NrSensor; j++){
        _t = sinc(arg(i, j)*norm_factor)*x_i[j];

      S1interpi(m, i) = Ai(m, i) * _t;

      for(i=0; i < len_zr; i++){
    _t = 0;
    for(j=0; j < NrSensor; j++){
      _t += S1interpr(j, i);

    S1_sum_r(xr_, yr_, i) = _t;

    _t = 0;
    for(j=0; j < NrSensor; j++){
      _t += S1interpi(j, i);

    S1_sum_i(xr_, yr_, i) = _t;






I have deleted all my code except the beginning (up to the memory allocation) and the memory freeing. I'm also using malloc() and free() now. In between the memory allocation and freeing, I have also put this code:

  for(i=0; i<NrSensor; i++){
    for(j=0; j<len_zr; j++){
      S1interpr(i,j) = 0;
      S1interpi(i,j) = 0;

  for(i=0; i<NrSensor; i++){
    for(j=0; j<len_zr; j++){
    tau(i,j) = 0;

The first loop causes no problem. The second one though, apparently corrupts the variable V (declared before it) and the one declared after it. And it seems, according to my logic, that it does not exceed any kind of bounds...


There are 1 answers


The second loop does not index correctly for tau. You are defining indexing for tau as

 #define tau(a, b) tau[b+a*NrSensor]

Let us walk through the second loop assuming NrSensor = 10 and len_zr = 5. For this case max value of loop variable i is 9 and max value of loop variable j is 4. Now,

tau(9,4) => tau[4+9*10] => tau[94].

But you are allocating tau with

tau   = malloc(sizeof(double)*len_zr*NrSensor);

which for the sample values 10 and 5 is

tau   = malloc(sizeof(double)*50)

You either need to change the indexing definition for tau to swap a and b or change the order of loops i and j.